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第 PAGE 页码 页码 页 / 总页数 NUMPAGES 总页数 总页数 页 有关英语情景对话短文 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《有关英语情景对话短文》的内容,具体内容:英语情景对话作为语言教授的媒介,它对于把英语作为外语来学习的学生,扮演着非常重要的角色。我整理了,欢迎阅读!一Asking for Help 旅途求助dialo... 英语情景对话作为语言教授的媒介,它对于把英语作为外语来学习的学生,扮演着非常重要的角色。我整理了,欢迎阅读! 一 Asking for Help 旅途求助 dialogue 1 C: excuse me, is this the way to the Greta Wall? 劳驾,请问去长城是这么走的吗? M: oh, it is really far from here. Youre going in the wrong directionactually. 长城离这儿可远着呢,你走错方向啦。 C: I must have taken a wrong turn. 哦,刚才一定是拐错弯了。 M: it doesnt matter. Go back the way you came. After about five kilometers, youll see a hotel on the side of the road. Its a big one. You cant miss it. 没事,你可以原路返回,开5公里,会看见路边有个酒店,挺大的,你应该能看见。 C: and then? 好的,然后呢? M: take the next right. Drive about one click further, and youll see the entrance of the highway to the Great Wall. 在下一个路口右拐,再开一公里左右,就会看见去长城的高速公路入口了。 C: thanks a lot. 太感谢了! M: youre welcome. 不客气。 C: by the way, how long does it take? 对了,这大概得花多长时间? M: without traffic, it takes about an hour. 不堵车的话,一个小时吧。 C: I heard the Great Wall closes early in the afternoon. Do you think I can make it before closing? 听说长城下午关的挺早的,我能在关门前赶到那儿吗? M: yes, I think so. It doesnt close until 5 oclock. You still have plenty of time. 嗯,下午5点才关门,还早着呢。 C: great! Thank you! 太好了,谢谢! M: my pleasure, and have a good time! 不客气,玩得开心。 二 C: Oh, no. it sccms that Ive lost my train ticket. 糟了.我车票好像罢了! M: Are you kidding? The train leaves in an hour. Where did you put it? 开玩笑吧?火车还有-个小时就开,你放哪了? C: It was in my pocket, but now I cant find it. 我就放口袋里的,现在没了. M: Is it in the other pocket? 哪个口袋啊? C: No, it is not here. Damn it! Im going to have to buy another ticket. 没有。该死的!只好再买一张了. M:Lets go to the inquiry desk first to chcck whcthcr anyone has got it and turned it in. 我们先去问讯处看看有没有人捡到。 C: OK. 好吧。 l: How may I help you. sir? 先生,需要帮忙吗? C: lm wondering if anyone has tumcd in a train ticket. ljust lost my ticket for Beijing tonight. 请问有人捡


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