毕业设计 xx制药集团制剂车间洁净空调系统设计.doc

毕业设计 xx制药集团制剂车间洁净空调系统设计.doc

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题 目: xxxx制药集团制剂车间洁净空调系统设计 摘 要 xx省xx制药集团制剂车间为一层框架剪力墙结构,层高8米,内部6米,建筑总面积约为1050平方米,厂区分内外两部分,内部为洁净区,外围为舒适区,洁净区与舒适区共用一套空调系统,包括空气处理机组和冷冻水机组。 内部洁净区采用洁净空调,净化级别设计为十万级,面积约752平米,系统设计为全空气一次回风系统,满足药品生产的各种设计条件,如温度、湿度,气流流型,车间内细菌含量以及含尘量的要求等,达到药品生产对环境要求,同时满足职业卫生条件。 外围为舒适区,面积约300平米,为人员走动休息用,该区域同样采用全空气一次回风系统,洁净度没有过高要求,满足人员要求即可。 关键字:xx药厂 粉制剂  洁净空调  十万级 The Design of Clean Air Conditioning System of a Pharmaceutical Plant Abstract The xxx Province xxx drugs manufacture group preparation workshop is a frame shearing force wall structure, the building store height 8 meters, the internal 6 meters, the construction total area approximately is 1050 square meters, a factory district minute inside and outside two part, the interior is the pure area, the periphery is a comfort margin, the pure area and the comfort margin use in common a set of air-conditioning system, including air treatment unit and freezing water unit. The internal pure area uses the pure air conditioning, the purification rank design is 100,000 levels, the area the approximately 752 square meters, the system design for an entire air return air system, satisfies the drugs production each kind of design conditions, like the temperature, the humidity, the air current flow pattern, in the workshop the bacterial content as well as the dust content request and so on, achieves the drugs production to the environment request, simultaneously satisfies the occupational health condition. The periphery is the comfort margin, the area the approximately 300 square meters, takes a walk the rest for the personnel to use, this region uses an entire air return air system similarly, the cleanness not high request, satisfies the personnel to request then. Keywords:  pharmaceutical factory Powder preparation clean air-conditioning 100,000 levels 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u 23335 第一章 工程概况及原始资料 1 18079 1.1 工程概况 1 30830 1.2 气象资料 1 6796 1.2.1室外计算资料 1 4356 1.2.2室内计算资料 1 19670 1.2.3建筑及空调参数 1 23198 第二章 冷负荷计算 3 20665 2.1洁净区 3 9857


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