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Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors Language points;1. identify vt. 确认,识别,鉴别 (1)~ sb. /sth. as sb./ sth. 确认,证明某人/某物系某人/某物 e.g. 她认出那个男子就是袭击她的人。 She identified the man as her attacker. (2)~ sth. with sth. 认为某事物与另一事物等同 e.g.幸福与财富不能混为一谈。 One can’t ~ happiness with wealth. 扩展:identification n. 验明,鉴别,身份证明 identification card 身份证 identical adj. 完全相同 be identical to/with;2. alternative adj. 供选择的,其他的 e.g. The way was blocked ,so we had to go by ~ road. 这条路阻塞,我们只能走其他路。 n. 可能的选择;选择对象 have no ~ but to do sth. = have no choice but to do sth. = have nothing to do but do… 除了做某事别无选择 e.g. 除了放弃那个计划,我别无选择。 I have no alternative but to give up the plan. = I have no choice but to give up the plan. = I have nothing to do but give up the plan.;3. interrupt vt. 1) 打断,中断,阻碍 e.g. 战争打断了两国间的贸易。 ①The war ~ed the trade between the 2 countries. ②Sorry to interrupt you, but I have something to say. 打断某人的话 ~ sb. /sth. with sth. (2) interrupt sb. 打扰某人;4. assume vt. 假定,设想;担任,承担 (1)assume后多跟 1) 名词,2)宾语+ to be + n. / adj., 3) that 从句 e.g. 1. The scientist ~ that there is no animals on the moon. 科学家设想月球上没有动物. 2. I ~d the responsibility. 我来承担责任。    3. He assumed a great man. 他假装是伟人.;(2) assuming放在句首,表一种猜测。 e.g. Assuming it rains tomorrow, what shall we do? 假如明天下雨,我们该做什么呢? 扩展: assumption n.   make an assumption;5. regardless of 不管;不顾;不注意 e.g. He went ~ the risk. 他不顾危险地去了。 He is ~ his appearance. 他不注意自己的外表。       ;6. preserve vt.(1) 保存;保护;收藏 e.g. You can ~ meat or fish in salt. 你可以用盐来保存肉或鱼。 (2) 保持;维持 e.g. It is one of the duties of the police to ~ public order. 警察的职责之一是维持公共秩序。 相关短语: ~ sb./ sth. 保护某人/保??某物 ~ sb. (from sb./ sth.) 保护某人以免……;7 sharpen vt. 使锋利,尖锐;使强烈 The knife needs sharpening. The tone of his letters has sharpened recently. sharp adj.锋利的,尖锐的; 急转的,陡峭; 突然的,急剧 a sharp turn 急转弯 a sharp increase 急剧增加 ; 8 specific adj. 具体的;特有的 The problem with her is that sh


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