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PAGE PAGE 2 六年级英语试卷 一、单词辨音,找出换线部分读音与其他不同的一项 。(5分) A B C D ( ) 1. name jacket grape paper ( ) 2. live kite nice night ( ) 3. house about cloudy young ( ) 4. whose wall what where ( ) 5. these think theatre three 二、词汇(共20分 ) (A)按要求写单词。(10分) 1. teacher (动词 ) _______ 2. fatter ( 反义词 ) ______ 3. catch ( 第三人称单数) ______ 4. winter ( 对应词 ) ______ 5. run ( 现在分词) _______ 6. meet ( 过去式 ) ______ 7. what time ( 同义词 ) _______ 8. two ( 序数词 ) _____ 9. city ( 复数) ________ 10. America( 形容词 ) ________ (B)词组英汉互译。 (10分) 1. 看报 ______________ 2. 放学后_______________ 3. 七点半 _______________ 4. 儿童节_______________ 5. 在农场______________ 6. 四季 ______________ 7. 去散步 _____________ 8. 去购物________________ 9. on the 1st of August ____________ 10. his mobile phone _________ 三、 选择填空。 (15分) ( ) 1. Where are the films? _____ in the schoolbag. They’re B. It’s C. It was D. There are ( ) 2. My camera is new. How about ______? you B. your C. his D. her ( ) 3. ____ you in Shanghai last week? Yes, I _____. A. Are ; am B. Were ; was C. Did ; was D. Were ; were ( ) 4. ___ , where’s the nearest shop? _____, I don’t know. Sorry ; Sorry B. Excuse me ; Sorry C. Sorry ; Excuse me D. Excuse me ; Excuse me ( ) 5. Go _____ the street and turn left ______ the fourth crossing. away; in B. along ; at C. long; on D. down ; in ( ) 6 .Where ____ she come from? She ____ from America. is ; is B. is ; comes C. does ; comes D. do ; is ( ) 7. _____ box is your sister’s ? The blue one. What B. Which C. What colour D. Whose ( ) 8. I’m as ____ as you. You ____ than me . taller ; younger B. heavy ;


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