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2020 年 CFA考试一二三级考纲变化整理 1、CFA一级考纲变化 在 CFA一级考纲连续多年发生较大变化后,相较于  2019 年, 2020  年 CFA一级考纲整体变化 幅度较小,实质改变较少但细节调整较多。 相较于 2019 年,各科目的考试比重未发生变化。考纲内容上,除了经济学 权益投资( Equity Investment )、其他类投资( Alternative Investments 部分细节调整较多。具体调整如下:  ( Economics )、 )无变化,其他 1、伦理道德与专业准则 Reading 1. Ethics And Trust In The Investment Profession 中,新增考纲: c. describe professions and how they establish trust; 取消对 framework for ethical decision making 的应用( apply )要求。 2、数量方法 删除整个  Reading. Discounted Cash Flow Applications Reading 7. Statistical Concepts and Market Returns 比率( Sharpe ratio )的计算和解释要求。  中, 19  相比  18 年考纲取消对夏普 Reading 11. Hypothesis Testing  中,新增考纲: k.formulate a test of the hypothesis that the population correlation coefficient equals zero and determine whether the hypothesis is rejected at a given level of significance; 原 Reading 13. Technical Analysis 整体移动到组合管理( PortfolioManagement)部分。 3、公司财报分析 Reading 20. Financial Reporting Standards  中,删除原考纲要求: c. describe the status of global convergence of accounting standards and ongoing barriers to developing one universally accepted set of financial  reporting standards; f. compare key concepts of financial reporting standards under IFRS and US generally accepted accounting principles (US GAAP) reporting systems; g. identify characteristics of a coherent financial reporting framework and the barriers to creating such a framework; i. analyze company disclosures of significant accounting policies. 取消财报准则设置机构的描述、  对国际证监会组织的角色描述、  财报的目标描述、 财报的前 提准备等要求。 Reading 21. Understanding Income Statements  中,删除原考纲要求: b. accrual accounting, specific revenue recognition applications accounting for long-term contracts, installment sales, barter transactions, gross  (including and net reporting of revenue), and implications of revenue recognition principles for financial analysis; d. describe key aspects of the converged accounting standards for revenue recognition issued by the International Accounting Standards Board and Financial Accountin



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