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英语翻译-第七讲-词的省译;1. 我们从事了十多年英语教学,教学质量高,教学经验丰富,在世界各地有成功办学的范例。 We have over ten years of experience in teaching quality English and have successfully managed schools in different parts of the world. 2. 台湾海峡两岸的中国人都是骨肉同胞,手足兄弟。 The Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are of the same flesh and blood.;3. 生也好,死也好,我们要忠于党,忠于人民,忠于祖国。 Live or die, we should be loyal to our Party, (to) our people and (to) our motherland. 4. 新中国的成立,标志着中华民族实现了空前的大团结。 The foundation of the People’s Republic of China in 1949 marked an unprecedented great unity of the Chinese nation. ;5. 惊天动地的事业 an earth-shaking task (程镇球) 6. 呼风唤雨,推涛作浪 summon the storm and churn the waves 7. 牛鬼蛇神与麟凤龟龙并长 ghosts and monsters appearing together with the unicorn and phoenix;二、原文中表示范畴的词语;1. 这个问题已经有近一个半世纪的历史。 This problem has lasted a century and a half. 2. 在党的领导下,中国人民已经完成了解放事业。 Under the leadership of the Party, the Chinese people have succeeded in their liberation. 3. …我们就把这个方法建立在更加自觉的基础之上了。 … we employed this method much more consciously. (by 程镇球) ;4. 我们党结束了那个时期社会动荡和纷扰不安的局面。 Our Party has put an end to the social unrest and upheaval of that time. (***) 5. 在工作中,大家都必须杜绝浪费现象。 We must put an end to waste in our work.;6. ……,第二就看建社以后的整顿工作是不是做得好。 …, secondly, on how well the check-up is carried out afterwards. 7. 我国社会主义建设事业和它的成就 China’s socialist construction and its achievements;8. 现时农业生产合作社的发展状况 the present development of the agricultural producers’ cooperative 9. ……, 本来有群众的积极性、互助组的普遍存在和党的领导力量这些成熟的条件,…… Although the conditions are already ripe, such as the masses’ enthusiasm, the widespread presence of mutual-aid and the leadership of the Party… ;??、有可能给译文修辞效果带来负面影响的词语; 桂林公园里阵阵桂香扑鼻而来,满树金花,芳香四溢的金桂;花白如雪的银桂;红里透黄,花多味浓的紫砂桂;花色似银的四季桂;竞相开放,争妍媲美。 The Park of Sweet Osmanthus is noted for its profusion of osmanthus trees. Flowers in different colors from these trees are in full bloom, which


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