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1. New York is a city of things unnoticed. It is a city with cats sleeping under parked cars, two stone armadillos crawling up St. Patrick ’ s Cathedral, and thousands of ants creeping on top of the Empire State Building. The ants probably were carried there by winds or birds, but nobody is sure; nobody in New York knows any more about the ants than they do about the panhandler who takes taxis to the Bowery; or the dapper man who picks trash out of Sixth Avenue trash cans; or the medium in the West Seventies who claims, ‘ I ’clairvoyant,m clairaudient and clairsensuous. ’ 纽约拥有众多不为人注意的事物。 在这个城市有猫睡在停泊的车下, 两只犰狳攀上圣帕特里克教堂, 还有成千的蚂蚁爬上帝国大厦的楼顶。 那些蚂蚁或许是被风或者鸟带上去的, 可谁也说不准。 在纽约没有人了解蚂蚁, 就像他们不知道那个乞丐去保利 区乞讨时乘的是出租车; 还有那个衣冠楚楚的家伙专门在第 6 大街从垃圾筒里捡垃圾;还有西 70 街的那位灵媒宣称:“我无所不见、无所不闻、无所不觉。” New York is a city for eccentrics and a center for odd bits of information. New Yorkers blink twenty-eight times a minute, but forty when tense. Most popcorn chewers at Yankee Stadium stop chewing momentarily just before the pitch. Gumchewers on Macy's escalators stop chewing momentarily just before they, get off —— to concentrate on the last step. Coins, paper clips, ball-point pens, and little girls' pocketbooks are found by work-men when they clean the sea lions' pool at the Bronx Zoo. 纽约是一个古怪者的天堂, 是奇事异闻的中心。 纽约人每分钟眨 28 次眼睛,但在感到紧张时则眨 40 次。在扬基体育馆, 嚼爆米花的观众们在投球前大多会暂时停止咀嚼。 在美茜百货店的自动扶梯上, 吃口香糖的人们也会在下最后一级 时暂时停止 咀嚼。布朗克斯动物园的工人们在清理海狮池则捞出硬币、 回形针、圆珠笔和小姑娘的小皮夹。 A Park Avenue doorman has parts of three bullets in his head—— there since World War I. Several young gypsy daughters, influenced by television and literacy, are running away from home because they don't want to grow up and become fortune-tellers. Each month a hundred pounds of hair are delivered to Louis Feder on Fifth Avenue, where blond hairpieces are made from German women's hair; brunette hairpieces from Italian women's hair; but no hairpieces from American women's hair which, says Mr. Feder, is weak from too frequent rinses and permanents. 帕克街一位门房的脑袋里有 3 颗


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