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;系统规划 系统分析 系统设计 网站设计 支付系统设计 安全系统设计 系统实施与维护 案例分析 解决方案分析;;第一章 概论;1.1 电子商务与电子商务系统;1.1 电子商务与电子商务系统;1.1 电子商务与电子商务系统;1.1 电子商务与电子商务系统;Intranet、Extranet、Internet;电子商务系统的基本组成 ;1.2 电子商务系统的发展;(MRP II): Manufacturer Resource Planning A system based on MRP which allows manufacturers to optimise materials, procurement, manufacturing processes, etc., and provide financial and planning reports.;ERP: Short for enterprise resource planning, a business management system that integrates all facets of the business, including planning, manufacturing, sales, and marketing. As the ERP methodology has become more popular, software applications have emerged to help business managers implement ERP in business activities such as inventory control, order tracking, customer service, finance and human resources. ;OLTP: Short for On-Line Transaction Processing. Same as transaction processing. A type of computer processing in which the computer responds immediately to user requests. Each request is considered to be a transaction. Automatic teller machines for banks are an example of transaction processing. ;OLAP: Short for Online Analytical Processing, a category of software tools that provides analysis of data stored in a database. OLAP tools enable users to analyze different dimensions of multidimensional data. For example, it provides time series and trend analysis views. OLAP often is used in data mining. The chief component of OLAP is the OLAP server, which sits between a client and a database management systems (DBMS). The OLAP server understands how data is organized in the database and has special functions for analyzing the data. There are OLAP servers available for nearly all the major database systems. ;CIMS: CLIENT INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CIMS) The computerized information system that contains records of applicants and customers. ;1.2 电子商务系统的发展;1.2 电子商务系统的发展;1.2 电子商务系统的发展;1.2 电子商务系统的发展;1.3 电子商务系统的特点;1.4 电子商务系统发展与应用中的热点技术;1.4 电子商务系统发展与应用中的热点技术;第四层交换技术;第四层交换技术;1.5 本章小结;


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