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西方婚礼习俗--英语课堂活动;traditional things; It should be worn on the ring finger, which is believed to be connected with the heart. It is something like that if the couple put the rings on their ring finger, they both put each other in their heart. ;Bridal gown: It is the white bridal gown that Queen Victoria wore when she married her sweet heart. After that, the white bridal gown won its fame all over the world. However, before that, any color is suitable to the wedding gown, even black, if it is beautiful.;Wedding veil: It is used to cover the bride’s face. It is said that it can prevent the jealousy of the bride’s ex-boyfriend.;Throwing the bouquet: It is the last but one item of a wedding, which also is the most popular one. It is said who is lucky enough to catch the bouquet, she will be the next bride. In some place, only girls has the access to take part in this exciting activity.;before the wedding ;the ceromony;the host declares the beginning of the ceremony. the brides father takes the bride to the groom. the host asked the guests whether there are any objection to their marriage and if each of the couple is willing to marry. each of them recites his or her marriage vows and exchanges the rings. the host proclaims they become man and wife. ; In a traditional way ,the couple often repeat after the priest to make the same pledge to each other. Nowadays,Many couples opt to write their own vows ,which usually consist of what characteristics each bring out in each other, what they look forward to in life, how their lives changed once they met. They are public expression of love. ;the reception ;Wedding cake Dances Toasts Tossing of the brides bouquet and garter propose a toast;Role Play;1 Wedding planner ;2 Priest; 3 Bride 4 Groom ;5 the brides father 6 the bridesmaid / the best man;Lets Play it!;19;20;21;Thanks for your listening and participation !;此课件下载可自行


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