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nits Language Points 1. Canada is a multicultural country mut是一个前缀,意为“多” multistory multiform 多层的 multichannel|多种形式的 multipurpose 多通话线路的,多波段的 多种用途的 多党的 multiparty 多国的、多民族的 multinational 多向的 multidirectional 多彩的,彩色的 multicolored 多媒体 multimedia Canada to visit their cousins in Montreal on加he°o 2. Li Daiyu and her cousin liu Qian were on a trip t Atlantic coast trip: usually short journey, esp for pleasure (通常指短途的)行走,旅行(尤指娱乐性的) 与trip搭配的主要动词和介词: be on a trip to make a trip to take a trip to 海滨之行 a trip to the seaside 前往巴黎的蜜月之旅 a honeymoon trip to Paris 他出差在外。 He is on a business trip 我父亲下礼拜要到纽约去 My father will make a trip to New York next week 3. rather than (prep ) in preference to(sb /sth); instead of与其(某人/集某物);不愿;不要 他不愿惹麻烦,宁可离去 Rather than cause trouble he left 我想喝柠檬汁,不規喝可乐 I'll have a lemonade rather than a coke 他正忙于写傖而不是读报 He was busy_ writing a letter rather than reading a newspaper 4. Going eastward, you will pass mountains, and thousands of lakes. forests as well as wide rivers and large cities eastward也作 eastwards,副词,意为“向东” ward(s=in a direction 他们向东航行。 They sailed eastward 我们难以决定是向东走还是向西走。 We couldn't decide whether to go eastward or westward thousands o成千上万的 注意: million, billion, thousand, hundred, score, dozen之前有确定的 数宇时。不论后面是有无Of,词尾都 不加S 如果前面没有确定的数字而后接 of时,词尾都加s 300名学生 three hundred students 这些鸡蛋里的3打 three dozen of these eggs 几打鸡蛋 dozens of eags 5. People say it is Canada's most beautiful city, surrounded by mountains and the pacific surround vt.包围,环绕,團绕 surround sb/sth with sb/sth sth/sb be sourrounded by/with sth 篱笆环绕着学校。 The fence surrounds the school 他们出动了军队包围了该城 They have surrounded the town with troops 房子的四周有高墙。 The house is surrounded by high walls 6. The coast north of vancouver has some of the oldest and most beautiful forests in the world north of= to the north表示“在, 的 北方”,其他方位词,如:east,west south, southeast, northeast等,都有类 似的用法。 他住在洛杉矶以东(的地方)。 He lives t


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