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轻松英语口语 Unit One Self-introduction and Introducing Someone I.Input(输入) Part One: warming up 热身 (1) Shoot breeze. 侃大山. (2)East and west, Shanghai food is the best. 吃在上海. (3)Make yourself at home. 不用客气. (4)Express way. 高速公路. (5)Look back in anger. 不堪回首话当年. (6)Quit while you are ahead. 见好就收. (7)All good things must come to an end. 天下没有不散的宴席. (8)The mind is willing but the flesh is weak. 心有余而力不足. (9)Speaking of the devil. 说曹操,曹操到。 (10)In Rome do as the Romans do. 入乡随俗。 Part two: Cultural Background A formal introduction consists of two parts: giving the names and some information about the people being introduced, so they will have common ground to begin a conversation In making a formal introduction, one person is first presented to another. In general, subordinates are presented to superiors, men to women, younger to older. Men usually shake hands when they are introduced to other men. It is the woman’s choice whether or not to shake hands when introduced to a man, and the man should wait for the woman to offer her hand. If she offers her hand, shake it. Among professional women it is becoming more and more common to shake hands. Handshakes should be firm and brief. Americans regard a firm handshake as a sign of directness and honesty. As in any language or culture, people who do not know each other will or who differ in status use formal address: title +family (last) name, for example, Professor Wang.in universities, some people insist on formality and the use of title + last name. Others prefer a less formal use of names and titles. People who know each other will use first names in both informal and formal situations. To change form a formal naming relationship to an informal one, the superior (in age, position, etc.) should suggest it. We all need to be more loving and accepting of other people. We can start to do this by interpreting and acknowledging the other person’s feeling (as well as your own) without ju


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