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外研版英语八年级下册 Module 外研版英语八年级下册 Module 5单元复习练习题 无答案 PAGE PAGE # / 4 外研版英语八年级下册 Module 5单元复习练习题 、单词和短语 1.漫画;动画片 2.漂亮的;英俊的 3.机灵的;聪明的 4.天;天空 5.与…战斗;战斗 6.时髦的;酷的 7.英雄;男主角 8.幽默的;滑稽的 9.忍不住做某事 10.笑;发笑 11.经验;教训 12.橙白相间的 13.难看的;丑陋的 14.赢得某人的心 15.书包 16.领导;率领 17.聪明的;机灵的 18.脏乱;凌乱 19.天国;天堂 20.期盼;等待 21.艺术家;画家 22..发明;创造 23.(一)本;(一) 份 24.黑白的 25.自己的 26.私人的;个人 27创造厂 28.满足;使满意 1.该干…了. 2.在空中飞 3.进来. 4.与坏人斗争 5.找地方坐 6.爬上高楼 7.有点乱 8.那太酷了 9.坚持做 10. 一个真正的英雄 11.忍不住做 12.互相保护 13. 一条可爱的橙白相间的鱼 14.两者都 15.赢得…的心 16. lead a group of 17. make a mess 18. in heave n 19. expect to do … 20.许多激动人心的经历 21.a copy of … 22.用五十多种语言 23. in the 1980s 24.出版 二、词汇和句子 1. Do you know who the computer? Li Xiao long is one of the I admire most. The sunny boy I know is in his class. Don ' _t at the people in trouble. Liu Qia n is a famous magicia n. He is very . Most of the students are (satisfy) with the style of the new school un iform. Liu Qian put some coins in a magic box and said, ”These coins will (appear) soon. ” David is tall and strong with black hair but he never (fight)with others. A lot of (visit) come to China every year. The mon key is the (clever) ani mal of all. 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 他能够飞跃天空,与坏人打斗。 He can fly the sky and with bad people. 当他们听到这条悲伤的消息时,情不自禁地哭了起来。 When they the sad news, they couldn ' t . 有时候他们相互帮助并在一起合作。 Some ones they each other and . 他领着一群猴子与玉皇大帝及其士兵作战。 He a group Of mon keys the Emperor of Heave n and his guards. 5.S noopy生活在它自己的私人世界里,觉得现实生活很难理解。 Snoopy lives in its private world and finds real life hard . 她深得剧场每一位观众的喜爱。 She every one in the theatre. 他的日记将在明年以书的形式出版。 His diaries will n ext year. 宽大松垮的衣服于二十世纪90年代在青年中流行起来。 Baggy clothes became popular among the youth 这只聪明的老鼠总是打败猫。 The clever mouse always the cat. 蜘蛛侠用手和脚爬高大的建筑物。 Spiderman tall buildings with his hands and feet. 四、单项选择 2.3.4.What terrible mess she ' s made in my room! 2. 3. 4. What terrible mess she ' s made in my room! A. a B. the C. / You can ' t expect a foreign Ianguage in a week. A. to lear


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