宫内感染的病原学诊断 .pptx

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CMV宫内感染的研究现状;先天性感染;“T”代表弓形虫(Toxoplasma) “O”代表其他柯萨其病毒,衣原体等(Other) “R”代表风疹病毒(Rubella ViruS) “C”代表巨细胞病毒(Cytomegalo ViruS) “H”代表单纯疱疹病毒(HerpesStmplex Virus), ;宫内感染的途径;宫内感染的发病机制;宫内感染严重性的影响因素;巨细胞病毒 (cytomegalovirus, CMV ) ;巨细胞病毒结构模拟图;CMV感染的基本特征;CMV infects 60% of women of childbearing age in developed countries and 90% in developing countries (Griffiths, P.D. 2002). CMV Infection leaves the patients without symptoms and CMV establishes latency, except for cases where the host’s immune systemis compromised (AIDS, transplant patients and fetuses). congenital CMV infection can lead to sensorineural hearing loss, mental retardation, and neurologic deficits.;CMV感染对胎婴儿生长发育的影响;; 表1 PCR检测27例畸形及死亡新生儿CMV感染的脏器分布 脏器 受检数 阳性数 阳性率(%) 胸腺 11 6 54.6 脑 13 7 53.9 肝 26 13 50.0 肺 26 6 23.1 脾 15 3 20.0 肾 25 7 28.0 心 25 2 8.0 淋巴腺 1 0 0 唾液腺 1 1 1/1 合 计 141 45 31.91 ;CMV的传播途径;Mother-to-child transmission is mainly the result of primary maternal CMV infection which carries a risk of transmission varying from 24% to 75% (mean value 40%) ; Cases of CMV transmission due to non-primary infection have been reported in 1–2.2% of cases, i.e. at a much lower rate than those resulting from primary infection; ([Fowler et al., 1992] ;孕妇CMV 感染的诊断


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