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2019-2020 年九年级英语上学期期末检测试题 外研版五四制 考生注意: 1、考试时间 120 分钟 2、全卷共三大题,总分 120 分 题 号  一  二  三  总 分  核分人 得 分 第一部分 听力 (共计 25 分) I.Listening ( 本题共 25 小题, 每小题 1 分,共 25 分 ) Part One. Choose the right picture according to the sentence you hear. ( )1.A. B. C. ( )3.A. B. C. ( )4.A. B. C. ( )5.A. B. C. Part Two. Choose the right answer according to the question you hear. ( )6.A. I am. B. English and Chinese. C. My favorite subject is math. ( )7.A. It ’ s sunny. B. It was rainy. C. It will snow. ( )8.A. I ’ m going to Beijing now. B. I ’ m a student. C. I want to be an engineer. ( )9.A. He loves games. B. She is a movie star. C. She is lovely. ( )10.A. Twenty. B. Five pears. C. We must cut them up. 根据听到的五段对话和五个问题,选择正确答案。 ( )11.A. Saturday B. Friday C. Sunday ( )12.A. A vet( 兽医 ) B. A dentist C. A patient ( )13.A. By bike B. By bus C. On foot ( )14.A. Sandy B. Laura C. Dora ( )15.A. The zoo B. The dolphin show C. The aquarium (水族馆) 先听一段对话,后听五个问题。然后选出问题的正确答案。 ( ) 16.A. She ’ s going to have classes. B. She ’ s going to America. C. She ’ s going to the beach for her vacation. ( )17.A. It ’ s Beach Park School in America. B. It ’ s Beach Park School in China. C. It ’ s Cao Ming ’ s school. ( )18.A. Twenty-one B. Twenty C. Nineteen ( )19.A. By train B. By ship C. By air ( )20.A. Nine days B. Ten weeks C. Ten days Part Four. Choose the right answer according to the passage you hear. ( )21.A. A bike B. A bus C. A computer ( )22.A. White B. Red C. Black ( )23.A. In the garden B. In the living room C. Under the tree ( )24.A. Twelve B. Thirteen C. Fourteen ( )25.A. Because her bike was lost. B. Because her father wanted to award her for good school work. C. Because it wasn ’ t easy for Betty to take a bus to school. 第二部分 笔试 (共计 95 分) 第一节 选择题 (共 55 分) II.Multiple Choice. ( 本题共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分 ) Choose the best answer according to the meaning of the sentence. ( )26. —— Had we better leave right away? —— It ’s better_____for another five minutes. A. wait  B. waiting  C. to wai


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