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最后一课 (The Last Class) 都德的 《最后一课》 相信大家都在课本上读过, 故事借亚尔萨斯省一个小孩小弗朗士的自 述,具体地描写一所小学所上的最后一堂法文课。 作家回避了普法战争的正面战场, 而把笔 墨转向一幅极为平常的生活画面: 小学生迟到, 老师讲课、 提问,习字,拼音练习, 下课 ,, 描写极为冷静、客观、朴素,却极具感染力。我们就用这部名篇的英文译本来体会一下: I WAS very late for school that morning, and I was terribly afraid of being scolded[责骂 ], especially as Monsieur[ 法语 :先生 ] Hamel had told us that he should examine us on participles[ 分 词], and I did not know the first thing about them. For a moment I thought of staying away from school and wandering about the fields. It was such a warm, lovely day. I could hear the blackbirds whistling on the edge of the wood, and in the Rippert field, behind the sawmill[ 锯木厂 ], the Prussians going through their drill. All that was much more tempting to me than the rules concerning participles; but I had the strength to resist, and I ran as fast as I could to school. 那天早晨,我去上学,去得非常晚,我好害怕被责骂,特别是,阿麦尔先生跟我们说过, 他要考一考分词规则,而我连头一个字都不会。这时,在我的头脑里冒出了逃学、 去田野跑 一跑的念头。天气是那么暖和, 那么晴朗!我听见乌鸦在小树林边鸣叫,普鲁士人正在锯木 厂后面的里贝尔草地上操练。 所有这一切都比分词规则更吸引我, 但我还是顶住了诱惑, 加 快脚步向学校方向跑去。 As I passed the mayor ’ s office, I saw that there were people gathered about the little board on which notices were posted. For two years all our bad news had come from that board — battles lost, conscriptions[ 征兵 ], orders from headquarters; and I thought without stopping: “ What can it be now?  ” 从村政府门前经过的时候,我看见许多人站在小布告栏前。 这两年来,所有的坏消息,诸如吃败仗啦,征兵征物啦,还有普鲁士占领军司令部发布的命令啦,都是从那里来的。 我边跑边想:“又有什么事吗?” Then, as I ran across the square, Wachter the blacksmith,  who stood there with  his apprentice[学徒 ], reading the placard[ 布告 ], called out to me: “ Don?t hurry so, my boy; you?ll get to your school soon enough!  ” I thought that he was making fun of me, and I ran into Monsieur Hamel?s little yard all out of breath. 当我跑着穿过广场的时候, 正在布告栏前和徒弟一起看布告的瓦克特尔铁匠朝我高喊: “ 小 家伙,不用赶得那么急;你去得再晚也不会迟到的! ”我以为他在跟我开玩笑,便上气不接下气地跑进阿麦尔先生的小教室。 Usually, at the beginning of school, there was a great uproar[ 喧嚣 ] which could be heard in the street, desks opening and closing, lesson


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