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Lesson 11;Task 2 Translating Back into English ;听人说,他很小就失去了父亲,完全是靠自己的努力才取得今天的成就的。 They say he lost his father at a very early age. He has achieved what he has got today all through his own efforts. 我的那本书能出版多亏了他,对此我过去很感激,现在仍然很感激。 I was, and remain, grateful for the part he played in publishing that book of mine. 她看起来比实际年龄要年轻一些,因为她一直过着安逸的生活。 She looked younger than her age, for she had had an easy life. ;Activity 2 Translation Skill: Key Word Repetition ; I saw Germany under the control of Hitler, and later in war with the Soviet Union and the rest of the world. 我曾目睹了希特勒控制下的 ,后来又目睹了同苏联和全世界打仗的 。 德国 This has been our position—but not theirs. 这一直是我们的 一一而不是他们的 。 立场 My grandfather used to tell me that one got more enjoyment out of one hour's fruitful work than out of ten hours' meaningless recreation. 我的祖父曾跟我说过,一个人从一个小时的有成效的工作中得到的 比从十个小时 的无聊的娱乐中所得到的 还多 。 快乐 ;Now translate the following sentences into English. Is it necessary to repeat the underlined nouns in English?;Now translate the following sentences into English. Is it necessary to repeat the underlined nouns in English?;Task 2 Repeating the Verbs;Task 2 Repeating the Verbs;Task 3 dealing with the Pronouns ;Task 3 dealing with the Pronouns;Activity 3 Translation Skill: Use of Four- Character Phrases ;Task 1 Comparing the Two Versions ;To Henry Kissinger, For whose wise counsel and dedicated services far beyond the call of duty I shall always remain grateful. From his friend, Richard Nixon 赠给亨利·基辛格: 为他的英明的计策、忘我的工作及所承担的份外的事物,我将永远感激. 他的朋友 : 理查德·尼克松 赠言一一亨利·基辛格: 善进良策 , 献身尔职 逾于所司 , 永志不渝 你的朋友 : 理查德·尼克松 ; I repair to the enchanted house, where there are lights, chattering, music, flowers, officers and the eldest Miss Larkins, a blaze (n.火焰, 光辉)of beauty. 我现在朝着那座美妙的房子走去,那里有灯火???人声、音乐、鲜花和军官,还有拉金斯大小姐, 是个耀眼的美人。 我现在朝着那座仙宫神宇走去,那儿灯火辉煌,人语嘈杂,乐音悠扬,花草缤纷,军官纷来,更有仪态万千的拉金斯大小姐。 ;Task 2 Transla


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