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2020年11月24日10时34分;What job do you want to do?; office lady(white collar); teacher;courier;entrepreneurship;How to prepare for a job interview?;1.Job ads in newspapers or on the Internet;又托朋友找到了麦当劳的工作。。 但是对方很变态,让我唱麦当劳的歌曲, 当时哥就笑了,麦当劳的歌曲我从小就会。 于是我张口就来:有了肯德基,生活好滋味! 考官:出去,下一位!;2. Something necessary;ID card;3. With confidence, dressing neat, in good manners;/s?id=1599502486677543875&wfr=spider&for=pc;Reading;Read the text and match.;Lily is graduating from vocational school with a diploma in accounting.;本句中用现在进行时态表示将来时间,用于表示“确切的计划、明确的意图和为将来安排好的活动 ”,表示最近或较近的将来。主要用come, go, stay, arrive, leave 等表示位置移动的动词(转移动词)。;;with a diploma in accounting.;She is surely concerned about job opportunities.;Finding a suitable job is very important for us students, but it is not easy to find a good one at present in the world which is full of competition and challenges.; but it is not easy to find a good one at present in the world which is full of competition and challenges.;The first consideration when looking for a job is not how much you can earn, but what you can do for the job.; not… but… ; no… but… ;When you have decided to apply for a job, the first thing to do is to prepare a good resume.;It usually begins with a short paragraph that summarizes the education you have received, listing the names of schools attended, specialties and graduation dates, first the most recent.; begin with;It usually begins with a short paragraph that summarizes the education you have received, listing the names of schools attended, specialties and graduation dates, first the most recent.;After that, you should list your work experiences, starting with the most current position, including job titles, names and addresses of the employers and the dates of employment.; start with;In a separate section you can make a list of honors and activities, such as awards you have received and school activities you participated in.; participate in;Finally, in a reference section, you should give a list of the names


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