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英语书面表达高分与技巧 一. 审题 1、 体裁:明确用什么文体、什么格式。 2、 人称:明确用什么人称。 3、 :明确本文的主要 ,使全文 一致。 4、 要点:明确写什么,要确保要点 全。既要列出已知要点, 要列出 含要点,更 列出??要点。 二 . 写作建议 1、正确性: 面表达必 持正确第一的原 ,保 所写句子在 法上、 构上是正确的、 得体的,尤其是文章的开 和 尾。 2、条理性:在确保正确的前提下,适当运用一些 接 或 接句,使文章条理清晰。同 要学会分段。 3、多 性:在确保正确的前提下,要追求句型表达的多 性。 4、复 性:在确保正确的前提下,要追求 及句型的复 性。 5、 范性:要用黑色笔答 ,不乱涂乱划,不超出答 区域,字迹要端正, 点符号不乱 用。 三 . 短语优先原则 面表达 ,能用短 ,尽量用短 。它会使文章增加亮点 ,提升文章的档次,也 会 卷老 留下一个好印象。 1、因 ??没有?? 因 生病了他昨天没有参加会 。 He didn ’t come to the meeting yesterday because he was ill. He didn ’t atten d the meeting yesterday on account of his illness. He was absent from the meeting yesterday owing to/ due to his illness. His illness accounted for his absence from the meeting yesterday. His illness prevented him from attending the meeting yesterday. 2、喜 ?? 当他是孩童 ,就喜 学 。 When he was a child, he liked to learn everything. As a child, he was fond of learning. When he was a child, he was addicted to knowledge. As a child, he was mad about knowledge. When he was a child, he was crazy about learning. As a child, he took great pleasure in learning. When he was a child, he had a strong desire/ passion for When he was a child, he had a strong appetite for  knowledge. knowledge. 3、 ?? 有 75%的学生 五一 高三学生 放假。 75% students think that the Senior 3 students should have a holiday on May Day. Most students , about 75%, hold the view that the Senior 3 should have a holiday on May Day. The majority of the students accept the idea that the Senior 3 should have a holiday on May Day. In the opinion of most students , about 3 out of 4, the Senior 3 students should take some days off on May Day. From the point of most students ’ view , ? As far as they are concerned, ? 4、感 ?? 如果能考 我的申 ,我不 感激。 I ’ll thank you if you can think about my application. I ’ll be grateful / thankful to you if you can think about my application. I ’ll thank you from the bottom of my heart if you can take my application into consideration. I ’ll appreciate it if you can take my application into acco


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