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有关重阳节的英语日记大全(带翻译) 【导语】重阳节在历史延续过程中,既融合了众多民俗事象,也融合了众多文化内涵,是杂糅多种民俗为一体的中国传统节日。庆祝重阳节一般会包括出游赏景、登高远眺、观赏菊花、采中草药、遍插茱萸、摆敬老宴、吃重阳糕、制药酒养生、饮菊花酒等活动。重阳是“清气上扬、浊气下沉”的时节,地势越高清气越聚集,于是“重阳登高畅享清气”便成了民俗事象。金秋九月,天高气爽,这个季节登高远望可达到心旷神怡、健身祛病的目的。每到九九重阳这一日,各地都有组织老年人登山秋游、交流感情、锻炼身体的活动。不少家庭的晚辈也会搀扶年老的长辈到郊外活动。重阳节其民俗活动甚多,文化内涵丰富。以下是无忧考网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 【篇一】有关重阳节的英语日记   It’s nice! Today is the double ninth festival, and the double ninth festival is also called seniors’ day, so I decided to make a card for the people who love me most -- grandma.  First of all, I brought a green colored paper, from the middle folded in half and use scissors to cut half of peach heart, in the middle is not cut out, thus opening have stereo feeling, write “99” the double ninth festival, on peach heart title to write good, again on the Internet to check some of the double ninth festival bless, draw some shapes, write the message in the above, then cut some three-dimensional graphics paste on it, a greeting card is ready, carefully appreciate, still not bad!  Well, “everything is ready, only the east wind.” Now I send the card to my grandmother. I and my mother get on the bus and set out to my grandmother’s home. Along the way, I think it should how to sent to my grandmother, to her surprise, after to my grandma’s, I hide the CARDS to her back, with a smile to my grandmother said: “grandma, I made a small gift for you today.” Grandmother smiled and asked, “what is it?” “Hao hao, is this your grandmother?” she asked. “Of course,” I said proudly. . Today my grandmother cooked me a rich meal.  I think, the elderly is the wealth of the society, had it not been for their labor, to create our happy life and a harmonious society, and our respect for the elderly is contained in the Chinese nation five thousand years of civilization, respect, love, support helpage traditional virtue, therefore, we must filial piety the old man, care for the elderly, this is the right thing to do.  真好!今天是重阳节,而重阳节又叫老人节,所以我决定做一张贺卡送给最爱我的人——外婆。  首先我拿来一张绿色的



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