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描写妈妈的英语小短文|描写学校的英语小短文   妈妈的手是灵巧的手。每当我的裤子破了一个洞时,是妈妈灵巧的手在这个破洞上补上了美丽的图案,使裤子焕然一新。小编整理了描写妈妈的英语小短文,欢迎阅读!   描写妈妈的英语小短文篇一   My mother is 36 years old, long longhair, intermediate mixed with a few gray hair, a pair of gentle eyes, high nose, big eyes, in my opinion, mother as a whole is very beautiful.   Since I started in elementary school, my mother said to me: you must good good study, as a child to go to school to listen to the teacher, finish the homework carefully. Mother after school every day the first thing to do is ask me: what the teacher tell you today, my homework is what? Although very nag, but I know it is the mothers care to me, so every time I am very serious answer. When you do your homework, I encounter a difficult problem ask mom, mom said: go to their own brain to think about first. Each make a problem, mom will let me remember this way, also let me next time wont go wrong.   Mother not only care about me, in the study on the life and meticulous care me, mom often teaches me to be, just like a lamp that rev beacon to guide my direction, my mother taught me to be honest, to credit. In the daily life of my mother has always been very generous, every day after school, I entered the house, you can taste delicious food.   Mother, you comforted me in my sad; You encourage me when I encounter a failure, you guide me when I walk in the wrong direction. Strict with me in your learning; You to me in life takes good care of me.   Ah! Your mother for the sake of my life, learning to pay a lot, I will not live up to your expectations, study hard and make a good filial piety you in the future, contribute to the country!   我的妈妈今年36岁,长长的披肩发,中间掺有几根白发,一双温柔的眼睛,高挺的鼻子,大大的眼睛,在我看来妈妈整体是很漂亮的。   从我开始上小学时,妈妈就对我说:你一定要从小好好学习,上学要听老师的话,认真完成作业 。每天放学妈妈第一件事就是问我:今天老师给你讲的什么,家庭作业是什么?尽管很唠叨,但我知道这是妈妈对我的关心,所以每次我都很认真的回答。做作业时,我一遇到难题就去问妈妈,妈妈便说:先去自己动脑想想 。每做对一道题,妈妈便让我记住这种方法,还保证让我下次不再出错。   妈妈不但在学习上关心我,在生活上也是无微不


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