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选修八unit4LanguagepointsinReading;② convince sb. that 使(某人)确信…… e.g. Her smile convinced him that she was happy. 我试图说服我妻子我们买不起新车。 I tried to convince my wife that we can’t afford a new car. ③ convince sb. to do 说服(某人)做…… 我们说服了他坐火车去,不要搭飞机。 We convinced him to go by train rather than plane. convinced adj. 坚信的;意志坚定的 convincing adj. 令人心服的 ;2. Colonel Pickering (P): an officer in the army and later a friend of Higgins’ who sets him a task. 皮克林上校(简称P): 陆军军官, 后来成为希金斯的朋友。希金斯给他安排了一项任务。;▲ officer与official officer 主要用于指军官, 也可指公司或政府机构中的高级职员; official 指政府内的文职官员, 用作形容词时指“官方的, 正式的”。;① The officers live at headquarters and the soldiers live in the camps. 军官住在总部, 士兵住在军营。 ② The president and his ministers are government officials. 总统和部长为政府高级官员。;▲ set (1) vt.安排;布置(岗哨); 定(时间、标准);创造(记录);专心于 ① Set guards around the gate. 在大门四周布下卫兵。 ② The time and date of the meeting have not yet been set. 开会时间与日期尚未确定。;③ He set a new record. 他创下了一项新记录。 ④ Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it. 世上无难事, 只怕有心人。;(2) vt. 使……做某事;使……处于某种状态 ⑤ I opened the cage and set the bird free. 我把鸟笼打开, 让鸟自由飞翔。 ⑥ A spark set the woods on fine. 星星之火使整个森林燃烧起来。;(3) vi. (日、月等) 下落;下沉 ⑦ It will be cooler when the sun has set. 日落后天就会凉爽起来。 (4) n.一套,一组;电器设备 ⑧ I bought a set of Lu Xun’s short stories. 我买了一套鲁迅短篇小说集。 ⑨ I need a radio set. 我需要一台收音机。;It’s ten years since the scientist __ on his life work of discovering the valuable chemical. (2004 · 江??) A. made for B. set out C. took off D. turned up;3. While watching, he makes notes. 他一边观察, 一边做笔记。 ▲ while watching为while he was watching省


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