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轮机英语lesson-3;6. side-chock bolt n. 侧楔垫螺栓 end-chock bolt 端楔垫螺栓 7. bearing n. 轴承 bearing cap 轴承帽,轴承盖 main bearing 主轴承 8. crosshead n. 十字头 cross girder 十字横梁 crosshead bearing 十字头轴承 9. stud n. 双头螺栓 10. thrust block n. 推力块 thrust bearing 推力轴承 thruster 推力器;11. camshaft n. 凸轮轴 12. casing n. 箱子,外壳 the chain drive casing 链驱动箱 the cast iron casing 铸铁箱 the pump casing 泵壳 13. jacket 外套 cylinder jacket 气缸套 14. flange n. 法兰, 凸缘,飞边 vertical flanges 垂直法兰 15. groove n. 沟,槽 piston ring and groove 活塞环和环槽 slot n. 槽 16. indicator cock 示功旋塞,也叫示功考克;17. dowel pin n. 定位销 18. narrow a. 窄的 broad a. 宽的 wide a. 宽广的 19. distributor n. 分配器 an oil distributor ring 布油环 20. round a. 圆的 v. 弄圆 be rounded on the external top 外部顶端成圆角 21. annular a. 环形的 to form an annular space 形成一个环形空间 22. assembly n. 组件 assemble v. 组装 reassemble v. 重新组装 disassemble v. 拆开,分解;23. component n. 成分,组成,部件 = part 24. horizontally adv. 水平地 vertically adv. 垂直地 25. duct n. 粗而短的管子, 比较pipe 管道, tube 试管 and hose 软管 26. shim n. 垫片 shims of different thicknesses 不同厚度的垫片 27. clearance n. 间隙 to adjust the clearance 调整间隙;28. channel n. 通道 =passage,频道, 狭长的水道 the English Channel 英吉利海峡 29. carrier ring n. 承磨环 30. built-in a. 内装的,机内的, 固定的 31. tap-bolt n. 锥体螺栓 32. white metal 白合金 33. telescopic pipe 伸缩管,拉管 34. fitted bolt n. 紧配螺栓;35. extend v. The captain extended our 4th engineer’s holiday by two days. 船长把三管轮的假期延长了两天。 The cylinder liners are extended somewhat down in the frame. 缸套稍稍向下延伸进入机架。 36. secure v. The bedplate and frames are secured together by long tie rods. 机座和机架由长贯穿螺栓紧固在一起。 37. mount v. The frames are mounted on and bolted to the bedplate. 机架被安装并用螺栓固定在机座上。 38. expose v. Some machine parts are exposed to high temperature. 一些机器部件暴露于高温中。;39. screw n. a screw driver v.


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