投资学第八章 .pptx

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Chapter 8;课程纲要;巴契里耶的投机理论;巴契里耶的投机理论(2);沃金的市场随机性研究;坎德尔的研究;由于理性投资者的存在,任何能够用来对股票价格作预测的信息已经反映在股票的价格中。 由于价格是公开可知的,这意味着已经反映价格的所谓“新信息”已经可知,则“新信息”就成为旧信息了。 若以已反应信息的价格来预测未来,等价于以旧信息作为决策依据,这种决策是无效的——得不到任何结论,即未来价格的结论什么可能都有,即价格是随机游走。;;罗伯兹等人的研究(1);罗伯兹等人???研究(2);萨缪尔森股价随机波动的研究;法马的有效市场理论;随机游走理论认为价格的运动不会遵循任何模式或趋势,过去的价格运动不能被用来预测未来的价格运动。The random walk theory asserts that price movements will not follow any patterns or trends and that past price movements cannot be used to predict future price movements. 随机游走理论:有效市场假说的组成部分,认为股票价格的运动是不可预测的。Random walk theory: One element of the efficient market theory. The thesis that stock price variations are not predictable. ;Random Walk with Positive Trend;Random Walk with Positive Trend;Why are price changes random? Prices react to information Flow of information is random Therefore, price changes are random;Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH);Stock prices fully and accurately reflect publicly available information Once information becomes available, market participants analyze it Competition assures prices reflect information;信息集分类;;弱式有效市场假说(Weak) –认为所有的历史交易信息都已经反映在证券价格中。asserts that all past market prices and data are fully reflected in securities prices. technical analysis is of no use. 半强式有效市场假说(Semi-strong) –认为所有公开可得的信息都被包含在证券价格中。all publicly available information is fully reflected in securities prices. fundamental analysis is of no use. 强式有效市场假说(Strong) – 认为证券价格包含了所有相关信息??all information is fully reflected in securities prices. even insider information is of no use;Implications for business and corporate finance - Firms should expect to receive the fair value for securities that they sell. Firms cannot profit from fooling investors in an efficient market. Implications for investment ;Technical Analysis -Look backward Fundamental Analysis - using economic(economic activity \ industry performance) and accounting information (firm’s performance) to predict stock prices -Look forward;TECHNICAL ANAYSIS;若市场弱式有效,则技术分析是无用的(Technical Analysis -


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