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Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years. ; Everyone likes cartoon stories when he/she is a child. We can see many cartoon heroes in the books and in the movies.;Mickey Mouse Club;The Adventures of Tintin;cars;Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf;The Transformers);《熊猫总动员》 Little Big Panda;Answer the questions about the cartoon characters.;America ;Read the passage and match the paragraphs with the main ideas. ;a. Cartoons heroes are popular all over the world,and some are more than eighty years old. some have been popular for many years. b. The most popular cartoons come out as books and not as films. Many children read cartoons today . d. Many foreign cartoons have become very popular in China.;1. Who is Nemo? 2. Who is Shrek? ;He is called Nemo. He is a cute orange-and-white(橙白相间的) fish.;His dad and his relatives look for him everywhere. Finally he was saved by his dad.; He is called Shrek. He is a huge green monster(怪物). He is from America.;;He is called the Monkey King. He _______ a group of monkeys _______ the rule of the Emperor in —————. ;He also_____ ________in each room in heaven.;He is from China. He is ________,clever and _________.We can see him in Havoc in Heaven (大闹天宫). ;Read Paragraph 3 carefully, finish the information form about Tintin. ;Tintin ;He has traveled to many places, such as jungles, the backstreets(后街) of Shanghai.;The Adventures of Tintin (丁丁历险记);;Snoopy史努比;It was written by the late (迟的, 晚的, 已故的 ) Charles Schultz (查尔斯 舒尔茨). ; Read the passage again and complete the notes. ;Tintin;;Homework;1. Nemo, …Shrek … have won the hearts of young people.;2. … popular cartoons are everywhere, on office desks …;3. He leads a group of monkeys against the Emperor in heaven... ;4. He has been popular for over eighty years, ever since the artist Herge invented him in 1929. ; He left school five years ago and has worked as a doctor ever since. (句末) [拓展] ever since 也可作为副词,解释“此后”(就一直...) He left home la


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