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钻井泵基础知识;一、钻井泵的结构和特点 Structure and Feature of Drilling Pump;钻井泵基本组成 Structure of Drilling Pump;钻井泵的结构图 structure of Drilling pump;小齿轮轴总成 Pinion shaft assembly;曲轴总成 crankshaft assemble;十字头总成 crossing head assemble;液力端总成 hydraulic end assemble;排出管路总成 discharge pipeline assembly;排出空气包总成 discharge air dampener assembly;HHF系列钻井泵主要特点 feature of HHF series Drilling pump;二、钻井泵的工作原理 Working principle of drilling pump;;钻井泵的工作过程 working procedure of drilling pump;钻井泵的基本性能参数 the basic performance parameter of drilling pump ;三、钻井泵的使用 operation of Drilling pump;钻井泵的安装;泵的吸入管入口端应高于泥浆池底约300mm,而且吸入管内径必须一致,吸入管的入口端不能正对泥浆池的入口(对泥浆罐也是如此)。 The inlet port of the suction line should be 300mm higher than the bottom of the mud pit and the internal diameter of suction line should be identical, Furthermore, the inlet port of suction line should not face the inlet of mud pit (so does the mud tank). ? 剪销安全阀必须安装成可直接与泥浆接触,并且将安全阀排出端用无缝钢管直接引到泥浆罐,这条管线应尽可能少一些转折。若转弯应使弯头大于120°,不允许把安全阀的排出管线接到泵的吸入管上,在排出管路与安全阀之间不许安装任何型式的闸门。 When install the Shear safety valve, it should contact with mud directly, and the outlet end of safety valve should be connected to the mud tank with seamless steel pipe, whish should try to have fewer swerves (elbow). If there is a swerve, the bend angle should not be less than 120°. The discharge line of safety valve should not be allowed to connect to the suction pipe of mud pump. And also, between the discharge pipe and safety valve should not install any valve.? ;剪销安全阀的阀体上标有每级工作压力的标记,调节压力时,只需按所给压力把剪切销插入相应的孔内。注意:剪销板孔内只能插一个剪切销。若缸套活塞尺寸变更,则须相应地调定安全阀压力。不要使用内六角扳手、电焊条或其它材料,若这样作将会影响安全阀的压力值,并可能导致事故的发生。 There is marked the working pressure of each grade on the body of shear safety valve. When adjusting the pressure, just insert the shear pin to corresponding hole according to the required pressure. Note: each time you can only insert one shear pin in hole plate. If the cylinder liner and piston are changed, the pressure of safety valve also should be adjusted accordingly. But do not use All


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