现代木结构建筑建造技术 第七章 楼板搁栅选择 第七章 楼板搁栅选择.ppt

现代木结构建筑建造技术 第七章 楼板搁栅选择 第七章 楼板搁栅选择.ppt

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练习2 计算楼板搁栅的净跨 3300 mm 建筑物宽度一半(50% x 6600 mm) - 140 mm 封边板加端部搁置长度之和(40 mm + 100 mm = 140 mm) - 60 mm 梁上的搁置长度( 50% x 120 mm = 60 mm ) 3100 mm 楼板搁栅净跨 25 练习2 条件:花旗松、 IIc/IIIc等级、 2.0 kN/m2活载,做到3.1m跨度,查表可得40 x 140 @ 300 mm 26 练习2 搁栅间距(300mm)和活载(2.0 kN/m2)时,木基结构板最小厚度为15mm 27 练习2 楼盖木结构布置图 28 要点 Key Points: 跨度3为3800mm For Span #3, the clear span of the floor joists is 3800 mm (3.8 m). * 要点 Key Points: 在给定条件下,可同时满足三个不同跨度的最佳选择是300mm From the ‘Floor 2’ table, 40 x 185 D.Fir-L IIc/IIIc floor joists must be spaced at 300 mm to span all three required distances (i.e. 3.7 m for Span #1, 3.58 m for Span #2, and 3.8 m for Span #3) with a 2.5 kNm2 live load. * 要点 Key Points: 即使搁栅间距采用的300mm,但此表中给出的最大搁栅间距最小只有400mm Although the joists will be spaced at 300 mm, the smallest spacing shown in the table is 400 mm. 400mm间距和2.5 kN/m2 的活载下,木基结构板最小厚度为15mm Using 400 mm spacing and a 2.5 kN/m2 live load will require the plywood subfloor to be at least 15 mm thick. * 要点 Key Points: 完成的楼盖木结构布置图 This is the complete floor framing plan for Exercise #3. * 要点 Key Points: 想了解有关本讲更多的信息,推荐学生阅读加拿大木业协会编撰的《施工指南》第7章:楼盖与附录O:跨度表标准 For more information about the topics covered by this lesson, it is recommended that students review Chapter 7: Floor Framing and Appendix O: Span Table Criteria in the Guide to Good Practice published by Canada Wood * 要点 Key Points: 有同学有任何问题或不解的地方吗? Do the students have any questions or require clarification about anything presented in this lesson? * * 要点 Key Points: 本讲义中,某术语第一次出现时将会以下划线标记。 The first time a new term appears in this presentation and hasn’t appeared in an earlier presentation, it is underlined and appears in this ‘Glossary of new terms’. 术语表并不是教学内容 It is not intended that this glossary be part of the presentation. 术语表只是为方便学生理解参考课堂内容 This glossary is a reference for students who may be unsure of the meaning of new terms they have heard during the presentation. * 第七章:楼板搁栅选择 1 制作单位:江苏农林职业技术学院 制 作 人: 王 剑 合作单位:加拿大木业协会 苏州昆仑绿建木结构科技股



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