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初中励志英语作文 生活中我们会听到关于的故事,励志的英语要如何写呢?励志的英语作文也不会很难写,下面是第一给大家的励志的英语作文,供你参考! "By! I've finally passed the English level secondary examination!" When I heard the exciting news, I could not help but cheer up! For I am a grade four students, through the level of junior middle school second grade exam, is how not easy! Recall several months of efforts and painstaking effort, can not help but shed tears of delight. Remember a few months ago, my mother tenderly stroked my head, kindly said: "Vivian ah, this time everyone in preparation for the level of English level test. However, mother believe that as long as you work hard, you are now level 2 is also no problem, if passed the level 2 and so on key middle school of time, you will be more than others a 'pass'. Do you have confidence?" Looked at his mom looking forward to the eyes of the eyes and trust, I gently nodded. Since then, all of my spare time to actively preparing for the exam English level 2. For the first time in public English test level 2 training courses, I actively raise your hand to speak in class, the teacher praised me know really a lot. Home can be a problem, I will betray oneself. Sixty way choice, thinking along while, finally finished only guessing. The next day to listen to the teacher announced the answer, 60 choice was wrong two way. A failure is not let me lose confidence, on the contrary, I saw the hard way, take my spirit. From then on, every time I class carefully take down the content of the teacher. If there are any don't understand the question, I asked my father when I came back, until we understand. Haze in the vast blue sea, the white light, the lonely sail son what it to far beyond the city to find, pour the white sea, below the above with the golden sun, restless pray the sails is storm, as if a storm in a state of calm! . In silence after a winter moth, finally put the grandeur of life show in front of people, at the beginning of the life in forging the strength of cha


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