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青少版新概念1B-Unit19-课件;You must eat!; What does she look like? Why? ;junk food;; eat 吃 fish 鱼 finish 完成,结束 salad 沙拉 Why? 为什么? dish 菜肴 Why not?为什么不? drink 喝 tired 疲惫的 mustn’t 不能 problem 问题 peach 桃子 lots of 很多 Help yourself! 请自便吧! ; You must eat . must 情态动词 ,之后+动词原形 You must stay at home.. 在疑问句中, Must放在主语之前。 Must not =mustn’t 表‘禁止’ You must study hard. Must I study hard? Yes,I must/have to. No, I needn’t ;;就近原则; There is/are填空 1:——an egg and some hot dogs in the basket. 2:___ some famous rivers in china. 3:___lots of fish and chips in the restaurant. 4:___an apple, a banana and a pear on the table. Is there a tree in front of building? ( ) A: Yes ,there are B: No ,there is ;There be 句型的一般疑问句:;;There be 句型的否定形式;;some any a lot of;; meat 肉 grape 葡萄 buy 买 bread 面包 cake 蛋糕 tin 金属盒 cheese 奶酪 butter 黄油; hungry living-room interesting bring ding-dong things English ;8;Homework;;;;Thank You !;此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考! 感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢


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