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应用文的写作 1. 求职信 根据下列汉语提示,写一封求职信。 李丽:现年25岁,毕业于文秘学校,打字速度为每分钟120字。已做了三年的簿记员工作。现欲求打字员一职。自信可以胜任贵公司所需的工作。 求职信须包含如下内容: 1.Position Sought 2. Education 3. Experience 4. References 5. Request for Interview 求职信常用句式 I’m applying for the senior position in your first-class Standards Laboratory advertised in your advertisement. My name is Zhang Ming, a girl of twenty-four. I have been working as a guide in English since I graduated from the English Department of Hubei I am 25 years of age. I graduated from in 1998 and got a B.A. degree in Electrical Engineering. After graduation I have been working at …for two years and have got much experience. And I am confident that I am qualified to fill your position. I am a good accountant and have a thorough knowledge of the English language At school, I won a scholarship and the first prize in speech contest. If more detailed information is needed, I shall be glad to give upon request. I enclose a resume with one of my publications. Enclosed are/is… I’m enclosing my CV and looking forward to hearing from you shortly. As regards salary, I leave it to you to decide after experience of my capacity. I look forward to hearing from you soon and appreciate your consideration of my application. 2.介绍信 (Letter of introduction) 开头: ——The bearer (持信人)of this letter, Li Lei , is one of my assistants and good friends. ——I would like to have the honor of introducing my student, Li Li to you. Miss Li is studying in our university and she is graduating soon. 中间: ——Since I have known him for three years, I can truthfully say that he is an intelligent and ambitious young man. ——From what I know of her, I am sure that she will become one of the top students in your university if she can be accepted. 结尾 ——I’ll appreciate it very much if you can give her any help. ——Your kindness will be warmly appreciated. 内容:张明给李强写信介绍他的助手和好友李雷。 李雷毕业于北京大学, 主修化学。在校学习期间成绩优秀,研究工作亦非常出色,是一位有才华,有抱负的年轻人。此次到纽约深造希望得到帮助和指导。 时间:2008年4月2日 3.推


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