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Unit4;Words;Appreciation of a fable- ?The farmer and the snake;;寓言早在我国春秋战国时代就已经盛行。当时一些思想家把寓言当成辩论的手段。为了在政治主张上战胜对方,为了阐明自已的观点,互相责难,辩论,往往取材于古代神话、传说、民间故事或谚语。通过艺术加工,用鲜明生动的抽象的代替议论进行激烈的争辨斗争。 世界各国的寓言作品也很多。世界最早的寓言集是《伊索寓言》,其它比较著名的寓言集或寓言较集中的作品有《克雷洛夫寓言》、《列那狐的故事》《百喻经》《拉封丹寓言》等。;看图说出你想到的寓言故事。;《守株待兔》 Wait?for?wind falls;《画蛇添足》 Gild?the?lily;《狼和小羊》 ?The Wolf and the Lamb;《乌鸦喝水》 The Crow and the Pitcher;1.To listen and understand the fable of the woodcutter 2.To summarize the moral(寓意) of the story 3.To learn some useful words and expressions;Words: silver fable dive admit policy;P55;2;Language points;1.The water was deep, and he could not get his axe back. 水很深,他不能找回他的斧子。;2.He had only one axe, and he needed it to make his living. 他只有一把斧子,他需要靠它谋生。;3.The spirit dove into the lake and brought back a gold axe. 这个精灵跳进湖里,带回一把金斧子。;bring back带回;还回;使记起;4.Because he was honest, he admitted to the spirit that it wasn’t his axe. 因为他诚实,所以他向精灵承认那不是他的斧子。;5.The spirit went down a third time and returned with the woodcutter’s old axe. 精灵又一次潜下去,带着樵夫的旧斧子回到水面。;“定冠词+序数词”表示按顺序排列的“第……次”。;Matchup;3;4;Time for reflection;注:另附word文档,点此链接;Ⅰ. Complete the following sentences according to the Chinese given in the brackets.;Ⅱ. Fill in each blank with one word according to the Chinese in the brackets.;Homework


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