小学外研版(一起)六年级英语下册Module8 Unit1之三 PPT课件PPT.ppt

小学外研版(一起)六年级英语下册Module8 Unit1之三 PPT课件PPT.ppt

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* * * * * * * * When I was a baby , I couldn’t . I could . stand sit walk and talk play Who is he? He is a very famous man. He is from China. First he could drive a plane. Then he could travel in the space in 2003. But he couldn’t walk in the moon at that time. He says Chinese people can do that one day. 用could couldn’t 谈论或询问某人过去的能力. Who is she? She is a very famous lady. She is from America. She couldn’t see and couldn’t hear . She couldn’t talk. But she could learn and work . She wrote the book “ Three days to see”. eye ---blind ear –hear walk --talk Helen Keller Module 8 Unit 1 外研版(一起)六年级英语下册 Tell the Story about Helen Keller. Write a chant about yourselves .(编写成长诗歌) Today’s Task 文化背景 1 Helen Keller was born in America in 1880. 这间小屋是接挨伊芙格林,海伦凯勒出生在这里。 这是马萨诸塞州的白金斯盲童幼儿园,教室里没有黑板,取而代之的是木制书桌,墙壁上的画,等等可以触摸的东西。 文化背景 2 海伦7岁的手迹。She learned to write . 文化背景 3 1902年,海伦笔直坐在一座旧的石墙上,正在读放在膝头上一本盲文书。 海伦与安妮正在下国际象棋。 在这个地方她学会了第一个字: 水。 文化背景 4 安妮莎莉文斜倚在沙发上,在凯勒的手心写字。 Helen分别使用三种方式交流:口语,手心写字,唇语 1920年,海伦安妮及汽车大王福特在一起,安妮的手放在福特的嘴上感受他讲的话 文化背景 5 她为盲人的权利而游走,她访问了世界上许多城市.去了5个大洲39个国 She went around the world for blind people . She says : Blind people are normal. They can learn to … 文化背景 6 海伦凯勒与肯尼迪总统在一起 海伦凯勒第一本书已经被翻译成50种语言. Hellen Kellar was famous . 她被授予美国公民所 能得到的最高荣誉----总统自由勋章. 文化背景 7 Listen and answer 1 When was Helen Keller born ? 2 Was he blind ?Could she see ? 3 Was she deaf ?Could she hear ? 4 What could she do ? 5 She was famous .Why ? ( ) Helen Keller was born in America in 1880. ( ) She was blind ,so she couldn’t see . ( ) she learned to read and write. ( ) Helen wrote books about her life . She was famous . ( ) Helen went around the world to tell her story ( ) She was deaf ,so she couldn’t hear. 1 2 4 6 5 3 Listen and order . 重点句型 1 She was blind . So she couldn’t see. She was deaf . So she couldn’t hear. She learned to read and write. 重点句型 2 But …


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