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Paragonimus westermani? Paragonimus westernani was first described from two Bengal tiger that had died in zoos in Europe in 1878.During the next 2 years, infections by this worm in humans were found in Furmosa. It was very quickly found in the lungs,brain,and viscera of humans in Japan, Korea, and the Philippines. The life cycle was worked out by Kobayashi and Yokagawa. The major focus of infection today remains in the Orient, including India and the Philippines. It also appears to be endemic throughout the East Indies, New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Samoa, western Africa, Peru, Colombia, and Venezuela. The taxonomy of the genus is difficult, and some of these reports may be of other, closely related species. Paragonimiasis is an excellent example of zoonosis.; 并殖吸虫;卫氏并殖吸虫(肺吸虫);中等大小;毛蚴;1、感染期: 2、感染方式: 3、寄生部位: 4、终宿主: 5、保虫宿主:;三、致病(pathogenesis); The early, invasion stages of paragonimiasis cause few or no symptomatic pathological conditions. Once in a lung or an ectopic site, the worm stimulates connective tissue proliferation that eventually will enshroud it in a brownish or bluish capsule. Such capsules often ulcerate and heal slowly. Eggs in surrounding tissues will themselves become centers of pseudotubercles. Worms in the spinal cord are known to cause paralysis, which sometimes is total. Fatal cases of Paragonimus in the heart have been recorded. Cerebral cases have the same results as those of cerebral cysticercosis. Pulmonary cases usually cause chest symptoms ,with breathing difficulties, chronic cough, and sputum containing blood or brownish streaks. Fatal cases are common. ;临床分型;录像;四、诊断(diagnosis);五、流行与防治   (Endemity and Prevention);卵巢;卫氏并殖吸虫;第十一章 绦 虫;2、虫体分节;肥胖带绦虫;圆叶目;圆叶目头节;圆叶目成节;圆叶目成节;圆叶目孕节;幼虫;圆叶目虫卵;(曼氏迭宫绦虫);Scolex of Spirometra mansoni: finger-shaped with each bothrium on the dorsal and ventral surface . ;plerocercoid (裂头蚴);钩球蚴;眼裂头蚴病;;Epidemiology ;局部贴生蛙肉;吡喹酮;肥胖带绦虫;猪带绦虫;猪带绦虫;猪带绦虫;猪带绦虫成节;猪带绦虫孕节;囊尾蚴;中等偏小;六钩蚴;六钩蚴;Infectiv


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