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高考英语语法 whether 、way 、cover 语法知识点总结 英语语法:cover 英语中 40% 以上的单词都有至少两个以上词义。一词多义 (Polysemy )现象,主要来自于以下变化途径: 1. 广义化和狭义化 2. 褒义化和贬义化 3. 隐喻和转借 4. 词义减少 比较 Cover 的多个不同词义,可以多少看出一些奥妙。 1. 覆盖: to put one thing over another, in order to protect or hide it Cover the food until you are ready to eat it. They covered her with a blanket. His clothes were covered in mud. All the furniture was covered with dust. 2. 论述、涉及: to include and deal witha particular situation, subject, period of histo ry, etc Section 5 covers holiday allowances for part-time workers. Her new book covers the period from 1870 to 1918. The programme covers all aspects of health and safety at work. 4.法律、规则适用于 (a law, rule,or contract covers a particular situation, type of person etc, it includes or deals with that situation or person The rights of unmarried fathers are not covered by this legislation. 5.新闻报道的内容包含:to give a report or description of an event on television or radio, or in a newspaper We will be covering the game live on Saturday afternoon. Clare Gray covered the Paris fashion shows for The Times. 6.负担、支付:to have enough money to pay for something We need £1,000a month to cover the rent. The warranty does not cover damage caused by misuse of the product. 7.走完了行程:to travel a particular distance We had to cover the last three miles on foot. 8.掩护:to protect someone from attack by pointing a gun at someone who might shoot them His partner covered him while he ran across the prison yard. 9.对 …瞄准:aim or target the gun at The police man covered the robber with a pistol. 10.负责(某个地区) :be in charge of a certain area Our salesman covers the west coast. 11.代替(某人) :substitute for someone to perform his/her duty Will you cover for me at the tele


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