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卡片英语 ;1.名片; 1.3 名片的格式 中文名片可以有两种格式:横式和竖式。 英文名片只有一种格式,即横排 ; ;2. 请柬(Invitation); Mr Wamg Request the pleasure of the company of Mr Zhang at a reception on Wednesday, October 10th at 7:00 AM. Address: 39 Zhongshan Road, Shashi. Tel: 8222666 R.S.V.P.;; 接受或谢绝邀请 Dear Mrs Kennard, I shall look forward with pleasure to coming to dinner with you and Dr Kennard next Friday evening, February 12th at half past six. Its very kind of you to invite me. Sincerely yours Frederick Yu; Dear Mrs Kennard, I regret very much that I am not able to accept your kind invitation for dinner next Friday evening, February 12th, as I am already engaged for that evening. I am very sorry to miss this chance of being with you and Dr Kennard in your home. Sincerely yours Frederick Yu; 空白请柬格式 ;3.贺卡 ; 祝贺结婚 Dear shelly and Jack, May I offer my sincerest congratulation to you on your marriage that is to solemnized on Sunday? Here is too much happiness and joy for both of you now and in the future. Cordially Tom Dear Marry, I think you and David are the happiest couple in the world. Your brother; 祝贺生日 Dear Ellen, Congratulations on your birthday! I hope that all your years to come will be as happy and as hopeful to people as those past years. I am sending you a beautiful pen as a token of appreciation for your kindness for me, which


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