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2019-2020 年七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like( 第 4 课时 ) 讲学稿 ( 新版 ) 仁爱版 Section B 2--P54 第 4 课时 学习目标: 1.复习本单元有关人物外貌描述的词汇; 2.学会观察和描述周围的人和物,并表达自己的观点,互相了解,增进友谊; 第一段〖短课导学〗 模块一:自主学习 学 内容  摘 Step 1:Review&Lead-in. 1.Read 2b on P53 together. 2.Put the words you learned in different blanks.Finish Self-Check:Ex.1.&2. Step 2:Summary. 1. ①What does your mother look like? ②What do Lucy and Lily look like? ③She is tall/short/thin/heavy. ④Lucy has long straight hair ⑤Lily is of medium height. 〖 〗句型① &② 相 , 其句型 构 “ ”。其回答有三种, 句型③④⑤的句子 构。 句型③主  + ④ ⑤ 〖反 〗 1.( )Tom A.looks C.looks;looks like  his father like;looks like D.looks,looks  an d his father B.looks  young. like;looks Step 3 :Writing. 1. 描述人物外貌写作 ------ 三步三要素法 . 1) 开 山,交代要描述的人的身份 . Who is he/she? 2) 描述其外貌 . What does he/she look like? 3) (我眼中的?) . What do you think of him/her? Useful words:thin,heavy,tall,short,quiet,curly,straight,hair,medium Useful expression: 主 +be+adj./of+ 短 .  ? 主 +have/has+adj.+n. 第二段〖 学〗  模 二:交流研 研 内容 摘 Step 1:Please check the answers in groups,then find the differences. Step 2:Write a passage about your best friend.You can refer to the following tips. What is your friend ’ s name? What does he/she look like? What does he/she like to wear? Why do you like him/her? 模 三:巩固内化 学 任  摘 Step 1:  翻 下列短 。 中等身材 看起来像 有一点文静 留着胡子  着短卷 ??的 着金 戴着滑稽的眼 Unit 9 W hat d oes he look like? Section B 2--P54 第 4 课时 姓名 模块四:当堂训练 一.按要求完成句子。 1.I think she is of medium height.( 改为否定句) I she of medium height. 她留着一头美丽的,黑色的,卷曲的长发。 She has . Lucy 的爸爸是足球队队长。 Lucy’s father is the football team. 二.单项选择。 ( ) 1. The boy A. has, has B. with, in  black hair a blue coat. C. has, wears D. with, wears ( ) 2. People like wearing A. a glass B. glass  in hot days. C. glasses  D. The glass ( ) 3. The boy_________black hair_________a blue coat. A. has;has B. with;in C. has;wears D. with;wears (  )4. --  Lucy doesn ’t have  curly hair.  -  - Yes , we can say she has _______hair. A. bald  B. blond


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