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clear data disp('input video'); avi = aviread('viplanedeparture.avi'); video = {avi.cdata}; for a = 1:length(video) imagesc(video{a}); axis image off drawnow; end; disp('output video'); tracking(video); function d = tracking(video) if ischar(video) % Load the video from an avi file. avi = aviread(video); pixels = double(cat(4,avi(1:2:end).cdata))/255; clear avi else % Compile the pixel data into a single array pixels = double(cat(4,video{1:2:end}))/255; clear video end % Convert to RGB to GRAY SCALE image. nFrames = size(pixels,4); for f = 1:nFrames % F = getframe(gcf); % [x,map]=frame2im(F); % imwrite(x,'fln.jpg','jpg'); % end pixel(:,:,f) = (rgb2gray(pixels(:,:,:,f))); end rows=240; cols=320; nrames=f; for l = 2:nrames d(:,:,l)=(abs(pixel(:,:,l)-pixel(:,:,l-1))); k=d(:,:,l); % imagesc(k); % drawnow; % himage = imshow('d(:,:,l)'); % hfigure = figure; % impixelregionpanel(hfigure, himage); % datar=imageinfo(imagesc(d(:,:,l))); % disp(datar); bw(:,:,l) = im2bw(k, .2); bw1=bwlabel(bw(:,:,l)); imshow(bw(:,:,l)) hold on % % for h=1:rows % for w=1:cols % % if(d(:,:,l)< 0.1) % d(h,w,l)=0; % end % end % % end % % disp(d(:,:,l)); % % size(d(:,:,l)) cou=1; for h=1:rows for w=1:cols if(bw(h,w,l)>0.5) % disp(d(h,w,l)); toplen = h; if (cou == 1) tpln=toplen; end cou=cou+1; break end end end disp(toplen); coun=1; for w=1:cols for h=1:rows if(bw(h,w,l)>0.5) leftsi = w; if (coun == 1) lftln=leftsi; coun=coun+1; end break end end end disp(leftsi); disp(lftln); % % drawnow; % % d = abs(pixel(:, :, l), pixel(:, :, l-1)); % % disp(d); % s = regionprops(bw1, 'BoundingBox'); % %


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