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Java is a programming language which can write cross platform application software object oriented, excellent versatility, high efficiency, portability and security of Java technology, widely used in personal PC, data center, game console, scientific super computer, mobile phone and internet. 电脑 Computer 新建java第一种方法 The new Java the first method 1首先右击鼠标,新建一个文本文档。 1 first right click, create a new text document. 2更改文本文档的后缀名为 .java 。注意文件名必须和类名相同。 The 2 change text document called the suffix.Java. Note that the file name and the class name must be the same. 如果你的电脑没有显示后缀名的话需要对电脑进行一定的设置。 If your computer does not display the suffix name you need to configure the computer. 3打开计算机——组织——文件夹选项——查看——将隐藏文件夹选项取消勾选即可。 3 open the computer -- organization -- -- -- will hide the folder options to view the folder options uncheck. 建议将这个选项取消勾选,有很多的恶意程序会侵入我们的电脑,取消勾选可以很好的查看病毒等文件的类型。 Recommend this option to uncheck the box, there are many malicious programs will invade our computer,/ uncheck the check virus types of documents such as good. 4右击建好的文档,选择编辑即可进行java的编写。 4 right click the completed document editor, choose to write to java. 在编写的时候我们有一定的格式,java语言的格式是为了我们日后更改程序方便而规定的,我们一定要遵循这种格式编写。 At the time of writing we have certain format, Java language format is to our future change procedure is convenient and the provisions,/ we must follow this format. 第二种方法 Second kinds of methods 1直接新建一个记事本文档,然后选择保存。 1 direct a new Notepad document, and then choose save. 注意保存时额位置,不要等到保存完却找不到文件到哪了。 Pay attention to the preservation of forehead position when,/ do not wait until the preserved but can not find the file to which the. 2在选择保存的窗口中输入后缀“.java”,然后保存即可。注意文件名必须和类名相同。 Input the suffix ".Java" option to save 2 in the window, and then you can save. Note that the file name and the class name must be the same. 3同样右击文件,选择编辑即可在文件中进行编辑了。 3 the same right-click the file, select Edit to edit the file. 前两个大括号之间回车,第二对大括号有一个间隔,直接按TAb键即可。 Enter between the former two braces,/ second there is an interval of bra


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