六年级下册英语北京版Unit3测试卷 .docVIP

六年级下册英语北京版Unit3测试卷 .doc

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最新小学英语课堂教学精品资料设计 最新小学英语课堂教学精品资料设计 UNIT LET’S LIVE A LOW-CARBON LIFE 满分:100 分 时间:60 分钟 分数: 听力部分 一、听录音,选出单词。(10 分) ( ( ( ( ( )1. A.date )2. A.litter )3. A.tired )4. A.under )5. A.thirsty B.protect B.answer B.also C.stop C.paper C.save C.toilet C.clean B.friendly B.print 二、听录音,给下列句子排序。(10 分) ( ( ( ( ( )1. I am very happy. My teachers are friendly. )2. We went to look around the town. )3. They made paper flowers. )4. April 22nd is World Earth Day. )5. Don’t leave the water running when brushing your teeth. 三、听录音,选出答语。(10 分) ( ( ( ( ( )1. A.Today is March 26. )2. A.His father is a teacher. )3. A.I can sweep the floor. )4. A.My name is Tommy. )5. A.Yes, you can. B.That is your computer. B.I walk to school. B.They can do a lot of housework. B.It’s next to the desk. B.No, I can’t. 四、听录音,补全句子 。(10 分) 1. We should factories from producing harmful gases. 第1页 2. I feel very today. the chair. . 3. It’s here, 4. I want to use the 5. We books and newspapers. 笔试部分 五、选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。(5 分) ( ( ( ( ( )1. A.protect )2. A.friendly )3. A.print B.stop C.also B.answer B.OK C.tired C.save )4. A.toilet B.under B.need C.beside C.subway )5. A.roadside 六、选词填空。 (5 分) A.are B.away C.when D.to E.Don’t )1. He was scared and ran . ( ( ( ( ( )2. Please remember to turn off the lights )3. It’s a good way save the tree by recycling paper. leave the room with the light on. all kinds of machines. you leave. )4. )5. There 七、选择正确答案。(10 分) ( ( ( ( )1. The teacher asked him open the door. B.to on the grass. B.to walk A.in C.at )2. We should not A.walking C.walk C.take )3. Let’s a short break for lunch. B.to take A.taking )4. What do you do you have the flu? 第2页 A.and B.when B.How C.where C.Who ( )5. a big breakfast! A.What 八、为下列句子选择正确翻译。(10 分) )1. We should not use too much plastic. ( ( ( ( ( A.我们不应该使用太多塑料制品。 B.我们应该使用很多塑料制品。 )2. Why did you print on the both sides of the paper? A.你能印正反两面的纸吗? B.你为什么正反两面打印呢? )3. Don’t litter in public places. A.不要在公共场所乱扔塑料袋。 B.不要在公共场所乱丢垃圾。 )4. Each student should be friendly


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