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公共课英语一模拟题2020年(340) (总分-20,考试时间180分钟) 阅读理解 [A] It is expected that autonomous vehicles will help ease congestion and we have data that shows that through improved traffic flows (also known as eco-routing), we can save up to 30 percent in weekly fuel bills. Improving traffic flow within our cities will help improve air quality. But to achieve this we need to challenge the behaviours of individuals and change how society views transport. After all, autonomous vehicles are not automatically low-carbon. [B] People need to start thinking about why they are traveling, what time they are traveling and which mode of transport they are using to travel. If we all start becoming a little bit smarter about how we travel, we could help to reduce bottlenecks on our transport network well before we have these fully automated vehicles on our roads. So everyone should get involved in the development and delivery of our future transport systems. We all have a role to play in challenging the current behaviours that society adopts. [C] For many years, the films that we know and love—from The Fifth Element through to Star Wars— have featured autonomous technology. But as we approach the time where this could become a reality, people are starting to become skeptical of the value such technology provides us with. Is it more about extending the life of our dilapidated infrastructure so that no further investment is required? Do customers even want autonomous technology? [D] It is expected that within the next 10 to 15 years we will see the infiltration of autonomous vehicles into our current road fleet. However, this is likely to be a gradual move towards more autonomy, rather than something that happens overnight. Many of us are already familiar with the technology, technically referred to as Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, which includes some level of automation such as lane guidance, blind spot detection and autonomous emergency braking systems. [E] Research suggests


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