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【演讲稿模板】中国菜主题的英语演讲稿范例编写人: 【演讲稿模板】 中国菜主题的英语演讲稿范例 编写人:XXX 日 期:XXX Word A4打印 标准格式 可随意修改 中国菜主题的英语演讲稿范例 中国菜主题的英语演讲稿范例 关键词:英语,范例,演讲稿,中国菜,主题 中国菜主题的英语演讲稿范例 介绍:Enjoytherefreshingchange  ByAubreyBuckingham(shanghaidaily)  Updated:2006-12-0811:02  ForalittlepeaceandtranquilityinthefinancialzonethatisLujiazui,ta 中国菜主题的英语演讲稿范例 详情: [:]   Enjoy the refreshing change   By Aubrey Buckingham (shanghai daily)   Updated: 2006-12-08 11:02   For a little peace and tranquility in the financial zone that is Lujiazui, take some time off to smell the roses in an unlikely setting.   Just by the looming Oriental Pearl TV Tower behemoth is a newly-installed park complete with artificial waterways and resident geese. If this sounds cheesy, rest assured, it's not.   To complete the other-worldliness of this verdant garden, a few classical European-style villas are being built within the compound. One already-completed building houses the perfect representation of this safe haven within the business district. The Golden Atrium Garden Restaurant is quite unlike anything one has come to expect from the city's freshly-flush property developers. The villa is tasteful, inviting and homely - a far cry from some of the hideous monstrosities that have spawned from the ground below in recent times.   In fact, the building looks like it belongs in a painting, a fact not lost on the establishment's proprietors. "We were looking to find a special peaceful place in Pudong," said Phylia Wang, co-founder of Golden Atrium. "This place, with the Pearl Tower in the background, is quite unique."   The restaurant owners were interested in a few key factors. Firstly, the surroundings had to be pleasant. That they certainly are. Despite the premises being located deep within the park, prominent signs on the main road point diners in the right direction.   Secondly, the interior had to be done to their satisfaction. "We didn't want it to look like it was done for the n


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