
研一英语教学课件:Lesson 9, Part 2 .pptx

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Lesson 9, Part 2: ThanksgivingThe PilgrimsThe Pilgrims were an early group of European settlers who settled in America in 1620.The PilgrimsThe Pilgrims travelled on a ship called The Mayflower and they endured difficult conditions during their trip to America, including some heavy storms.The PilgrimsEventually, the Pilgrims arrived and settled at Plymouth Rock, in Massachusetts.The Pilgrims’ StoryThe Pilgrims have an important place in American culture.This is probably because they are seen as having come to America in order to escape religious persecution, and to be able to freely practice their religion in peace.ThanksgivingToday Americans associate Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims.Many Americans believe that the “First Thanksgiving” took place in 1621, when the Pilgrims celebrated a successful harvest by sharing a large feast with the local Native Americans.ThanksgivingToday Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November every year.It is a time for being with ones family and friends, and for thinking about what one has to be thankful for.FamilyOne of the most important aspects of Thanksgiving is being with ones family and close friends.This leads to heavy traffic and travel problems around the country at this time of year.Los AngelestrafficO’Hare Airport in ChicagoPenn Station, New YorkDoes this sound a little bit familiar?FamilyWhen I was a young boy, my family and I used to drive up to Minneapolis every year to be with my father’s sister’s (my aunt’s) family for Thanksgiving.Thanksgiving MealThere are specific dishes the Thanksgiving meal normally includes. Turkey (most important part)Mashed potatoes and gravyPumpkin pie (with whipped cream)StuffingCranberriesWhy do Americans eat turkey at Thanksgiving?Turkey was part of the meal at the First Thanksgiving, which the Pilgrims and the Native Americans ate together.Some of America’s Founding Fathers – such as Benjamin Franklin – saw the Turkey as a unique symbol of America.Thanksgiving ParadesThere a


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