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廠商名稱 Vendor Name: 評鑑日期 Audit Date: 總分 Total Score: 判定 Judgment : 項目 評鑑內容 評鑑說明 評鑑等級 得分 Category Judgment Items Judgment Description Level Score 1. 新產品開發能力 (自行開發或委外 ) 可自行开发新产品模具,并 What is your new product research & development capability 有相关的程序文件 ( CH-QP70-06 ) (In-house or outsourced)? 2. 新產品開發控管能力 有 见文件 CH-QP70-60 How is a new product being released and controlled from the planning stage to final mass production? g ni 力 r ee 能 ni 管 g 制 nE 控 & 式 s 程 se 工 c & or 程 製  新產品研發過程中是否有考慮到環保制程及有害物質的禁用 (RoHS) Is the concept of green procurement and restricted usage of hazardous substances well considered during new product development? (RoHS) 4. 客戶規格工程驗證能力 (Cpk,GR&R..etc) Capability in verifying and testing customers uirement’req (Cpk,GR&R..etc) 新材料引進是否有標準承認及關驗證程序 Any formal procedure on introduction of new material, parts, or tooling? 製程 SOP 改善是否落實 When there is a change of SOP for a particular process, is the change followed thoroughly by all related personnel? 製程各站是否依工單落實控管 Are all stages of the manufacturing process strictly follows the specification stated on the batch card? 生產設備是否依標準作業落實控管 How do you make sure that the operation of the production equipment is being performed based on the standard operating procedure? 9. 製程是否有外包作業 /外包作業控管能力  有,新产品都会送样去第三 方检测 ROHS 相关物质; 有,见文件 CH-QP70-06 有, 有 依《成型作业指导书》落实 管控 依设备控制程序 CH-QP60-02 ) 我司无任何外包作业 Any outsourced production process? If yes, how do you control and verify their process capability? 項目 Category g ni 力 r ee 能 ni 管  評鑑內容 評鑑說明 評鑑等級 得分 Judgment Items Judgment Description Level Score 10. 製程良品、不良品是否明顯區隔 有,见现场均有标识区分 Any distinct segregation between OK items and non-conforming items during the production process? g 制 nE 控 & 式 s 程 se 工 c & or 程 製  製程上是否有引用 SPC 方法來管控 ? Are SPC methods implemented to monitor the production process? 相關組織架構分工是否明確 Is there an organization chart that clearly specifies the tasks and responsibilities? 品保體系是否經過第三者驗證 Has the quality system being certified by a third party?  有, SPC


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