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经典专科、本科、硕博、研究生、期刊毕业论文 经典2019成稿 仅供参考 精心整理 仅供参考 勿用作商业用途 经典专科、本科、硕博、研究生、期刊毕业论文 经典2019成稿 仅供参考 精心整理 仅供参考 勿用作商业用途 摘 要 我国人口老龄化日益严重,老年群体尤其是高龄老年人他们不可避免的会受到慢性疾病的困扰,甚至出现失能的风险。我国发布了关于长期护理保险的指导意见,相继在试点城市推行与实践。本文主要针对我国15个首批试点城市实施护理保险的具体情况进行分类,从参保对象、筹资模式、评价等级等几个方面进行了对比归纳。通过借鉴德国、日本、韩国三个国家实行长期护理保险的经验,从而指出了我国的护理保险主要存在缺乏法律支持,试点覆盖面低,资金来源不足等问题,在此基础上提出了需要完善法律、扩大试点范围、拓宽筹资渠道等对策,从而推动我国长期护理保险服务更好的发展。 关键词: 失能;长期护理保险;筹资模式 ABSTRACT The aging of Chinas population is becoming increasingly serious, the elderly population, especially advanced age people, will inevitably suffer from chronic diseases and even have the risk of disability. China has issued guidance on long-term care insurance, which has been implemented and practiced in pilot cities. This article mainly carries on the classification according to our country 15 first batch of pilot cities implementation nursing insurance concrete situation, from participates the insurance object, the financing pattern, the appraisal grade and so on several aspects has carried on the contrast induction. By drawing from Germany, Japan, South Korea, three countries implement the experience of long-term care insurance, and points out the care insurance of our country there are lack of legal support, pilot coverage is low, such problems as inadequate funding, on the basis of this puts forward the need to perfect the law, expanding the scope of the pilot, broaden the financing channels and other countermeasures, and promote the better development of long-term care insurance in China. KEYWORDS: Disability ; Long-term care insurance ; Financing pattern 精心整理 仅供参考 勿用作商业用途 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 摘要 I ABSTRACT I 第一章 相关概念界定 2 1.1 失能老人 2 1.2 长期护理 2 1.3 长期护理保险 2 第二章 我国长期护理保险现状——15个试点城市对比 4 2.1 参保对象 4 2.2 筹资模式 5 2.3 给付条件 5 2.4 护理形式 6 2.5 给付标准 6 第三章 国外长期护理保险实施现状及比较 8 3.1 德国 8 3.2 日本 9 3.3 韩国 9 3.4 三国做法比较 10 第四章 我国长期护理保险实践中存在的问题 11 4.1 长期护理保险缺乏法律支持 11 4.2 长期护理保险覆盖面需要扩大 11 4.3 长期护理保险资金来源不足 12



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