(中高考典范课例教学展示课件)The Present Perfect Tense.pptVIP

(中高考典范课例教学展示课件)The Present Perfect Tense.ppt

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Winter has already come. Can spring be far behind? 冬天来了,春天还会远吗? . I have taught English since 2006. I have lived in Chaozhou for 28 years. I have been to many places, such as Guangzhou. I have never been to Zhaoqing before. They have swept the floor already. They have already cleaned the windows. They have cleaned the blackboard. Usage 1(用法) 1)现在完成时态表示_____发生的动作对______造成的_____或______。 e.g.They have cleaned the classroom already. (Now the classroom is clean.) 2) Adverbials of time (时间状语) yet ever never just before have / has + P.P.( 过去分词) 过去 现在 影响 结果 already Structure(结构) play live study stop need visit plant eat played lived studied stopped needed visited planted go give sing take see run come speak gone given seen taken eaten spoken run come sung /d/ /d/ /d/ /t/ /id/ /id/ /id/ irregular verb 不规则动词 regular verb 规则动词 V + ed 不发音e结尾 + d 辅音字母+y 改y为i+ed 双写辅音字母+ed Both his parents look sad. Maybe they __________(know) what's happened to him. I_________(have) my lunch and I’m not hungry now. 3.We can’t find him anywhere. Perhaps he ____ ______(go) home. 4.They____________(study) the word “exam” already, and now they can use it! 5. Have you finished your work ______??? --Yes, I have ______ done it. (already/yet) 环保加油站 have known have had has gone have studied yet already 重逢 Have you ever heard the song? Sunday November 28th, 2010 Sunny How beautiful Guangzhou is! Guangzhou has changed greatly since it bid for(申办) the 16th Asian Games. People have planted a lot of trees . Also they have taken good care of them since then. So far, the river has been clear with the help of the government. It has been safe to drive on the road since Guangzhou held the Asian Games. In the last few years, the environment of Guangzhou has improved a lot. I enjoyed my days in Guangzhou, and I am looking forward to visiting Guangzhou again. Task 1: Underline the changes. Task


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