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Practice makes perfect 一:四级听力题全部题目的解法 短对话 Short con versation 11- 18 8% 长对话 Long conv ersation 19-25 7% 短文听力 Passage Listening26-35 10% 4复合式听写Compound Dictation 36-45 10%第一讲:8种常考场景 1校园生活、日常生活、饮食娱乐、旅游交通、职场工 作、住房搬家、医疗健 康、气候环境 入学 Freshma n/ prin cipal /prin ciple / register/ dea n / enro lme nt en roll/ recomme ndati on letter/ department/ fill in / out application form/ student ID card 选课 Register for/ sig n up for/ en roll in/ en list in/ take semester( term / quit/ drop a course/ pick up/ major in/ earn a credit / course sheet/ unit/ sit in /available / altern ate/ tran sfer credits/ required / compulsory course / opti on al/ elective / selective class Science courses/ arts courses Curriculum/ sem inar/ workshop/ Lin guistics/ philosophy/ psychology/ econo mics/ engin eeri ng/ acco un ti ng/ geology /archaeology / an thropology / math/bota ny Overdue / ren ewal / out of stock / catalogue/ stacks / library card/ back issue / editorial / sec on d-ha nd book/ out of print / refere nee book / han dover editi on/ paperback edition/ publishing house/ novel/ non-fiction / science fiction/ detective story/ biography / bestseller 购物消费 Supermarket/ mall/ grocery/ cha in store/ convenience store/ departme nt store/ salesma n/ customer/ display/ coun ter/ trolley/ catalog/ famous bran ds/hit / laptop computer/ wome n ' s wear/ cosmetics/ sports goods/ shopp ing list/ price tag/ deposit/ disco un t/barga in/ cut prices/ receipt/ cha nge/ on sale/ sell out/ be out of stock/ be in stock/ deliver / be in seas on / statio nery/be out of seas on / n ecessity 居家琐事 Housework/ housekeeper / housemaid/ housewife/la undry / iro n/ fix the dinner/ clear up/ mop/ messy/ in a mess/ be in chaos / n eat/ hoover / vacuum clea ner / trivial affairs/ household expe nses/ budget/bala nce/ec ono mical …/ ope n an acco unt / deposit / withdraw / in terest rate/addresser/ addressee / in terviewer/ in terviewee / employer/ employee 日常交往 Date/ chat/ call on sb/ drop by/ round/run into sb/ take a messag


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