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瑞士城市日内瓦英语 日内瓦是日内瓦州下辖城市,位于日内瓦湖西南角,是瑞士联邦的第二大城市,也是一个世界著名的联合国城市。接下来,小编给大家准备了瑞士城市日内瓦英语,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。 瑞士城市日内瓦英语 Promenade de Saint-Antoine (It takes its name from a chapel consecrated to Saint Anthony that once stood against the gate of the same name at the entrance to today's rue des Chaudronniers.) Geneva is located in the Rhone Valley at the southwestern corner of Lake Geneva (or Lac Léman, in French), between the Jura Mountains and the Alps. It's the capital of the canton (瑞士的州)of Geneva, the second-smallest canton in the Swiss Confederation. Switzerland's second-largest city has an idyllic(田园诗的)setting on one of the biggest alpine lakes and within view of the pinnacle(山顶,山峰)of Mont Blanc. Filled with parks and promenades(散步场所), the city becomes a virtual garden in summer. It's also one of the healthiest cities in the world thanks to prevailing north winds that blow away all air pollution. The city covers itself in flowers and takes chocolate to an art form has got to be okay. You can't go wrong visiting this city, even if you just walk its streets and lakeshore for days on end -- those flowers are everywhere and the Lake Geneva is clear and picturesque. It might be in Switzerland, but Geneva is tres (法文,非常的意思)French. It didn't join the Swiss Confederacy until after 1815, so French culture permeates (浸透;充满)the place by way of food and language. Still, Calvin, who preached here during the Reformation (宗教改革,十六至十七世纪的天主教会改革运动,结果产生了基督新教),seems to have had a deep effect, tempering(锻造)the French spirit a bit. Flower Clock: 5 metres in diameter and located on a slope, its surface is covered by approximately 6,500 plants, which are grown according to what is called here 'mosaiculture' . Geneva is surrounded by French territory, connected to Switzerland only by the lake and a narrow corridor. The city's overwhelming French influence is apparent in its mansard(双重斜坡的屋顶)roofs, iron balconies, sidewalk cafes, and French signs. But if the city seems a little st


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