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科学史上4个著名的梦 科学史上第一个著名的梦 德国化学家凯库勒(F.A.Kekule ,1829—1896)是一位极富想像力的学者, 他曾提出了碳原子四价学说和碳原子之间可以相连成 -C-C-链状结构这一重要 学说。 Germa n chemist Kekule (F.A.Kekule ,1829-1896) is a very imagi native scholar. He had put forward the theory of tetravale nt carb on atoms and the importa nt doctri ne of carb on atoms can be conn ected into -CC- cha in structure. 1865年,他提出了苯的环状结构学说,他认为苯的结构可想像为 6个链形碳原 子闭合而成。也就是我们现在所说的凯库勒式? In 1865, he proposed the benzene ring structure doctrine, he believed that 6 cha in carb on atoms closed made the structure of benzene. That was the Kekule style. 他曾经提出了多种开链式结构而又因其与实验结果不符而被一一否定 所有的证据都表明苯分子非常对称,6个碳原子和6个氢原子完全对称地排列、 形成稳定的分子。 He has proposed a variety of open-chain structures and denied them because they did not match with the experime ntal results. All the evide nee showed that the benzene molecule are very symmetrical, 6 carb on atoms and the six hydroge n atoms are completely symmetrically arra nged to form a stable molecule. 关于凯库勒悟出苯分子的环状结构的经过,一直是化学史上的一个趣闻。 据他自己说这来自于一个梦。那是1864年他在比利时的根特大学任教时,一天 夜晚,他在书房中壁炉前打起了瞌睡,眼前又出现了碳原子和分子们开始在幻 觉中跳舞,一条碳原子链像蛇一样咬住自己的尾巴,在他眼前旋转不停。他像 触电般地猛醒过来,明白了苯分子是一个环。对此,凯库勒说:“我们应该会 做梦!……那么我们就可以发现真理,……但不要在清醒的理智检验之前,就 宣布我们的梦。” The history of Kekule realized the ring structure of the benzene molecule was an anecdote. .That was in 1864, he taught at the University of Ghent in Belgium, one night, he dozed off in the den in front of the fireplace.the carbon atoms and molecules began to dance in illusion and a chain of carbon atoms liked a snake bit its own tail appeared , revolved in his eyes. He wake up like electric shock , understood the benzene molecule was a ring. In this regard, Kekule said: We should be dreaming! Then we can find the truth ... But do not announce our dreams before inspections ?” 科学史上第二个著名的梦 1869年2月,化学王国的宪法--元素周期律。当时已经发现了 63种元素,科学 家无可避免地要想到,自然界是否存在某种规律,使元素能够有序地分门别类、 各得其所? In 1869 February, the constitution of the kingdom of chemical ---element periodic law. At that time ‘already discovered 63 kinds of elements, the scie ntis


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