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Lesson 16 Again ,please! Teaching Aims: 掌握字母从 A 到 Z。 颜色 red, yellow, orange, purple, green, white, black, pink, blue, brown. 数字:从 1 到 30。 Where is it? in, on, under 等。 Important points and difficult points. Important points:1 )字母; 2)数字; 3)颜色 Difficult points:1) 字母读音; 2)介词用法。 Teaching Aids: 教学实物; 2、录音机; 3、颜色卡片; 4、学生字母卡片。 Teach Procedure Greeting Sing “ABC Song” Play the audiotape while you point to the letters on your alphabet and the students sing along . Divide the class into six groups and explain that each group will sing a different part of the song as follows: ABCD E F G HIJK LMNOP QRS,TUV WXYZ Review the words: play a game “COLOUR POINT” Put coloured paper on the blackboard red blue green and yellow .Have ready pieces of coloured paper for all the other colours. Teach the students this chant Point to red ,point to blue ,point to green and yellow ,too. 1 Now what colour do you see ? point to it and then tell me. Use the game to review colours. 4、 Test If have the time we can ask students to finish the activity book to be the test. 板书: A B C D chant E F G Point to red ,point to blue , point to green and yellow ,too. Now what colour do you see ? point to it and then tell me. HIJK LMNOP QRS,TUV WXYZ 一杯清茶,或一杯咖啡,放在你的桌边,你的心情格外的怡然。你可以浏览当天的报纸,了解最新的国内外动态,哪怕是街头趣闻;或者捧一本自己喜欢的杂志、小说,从字里行间获得那种 特别的轻松和愉悦 ....生活简单就是幸福。经过精心的烹制,一桌可心的菜肴就在你的面前,你招呼家人快来品尝,再备上最喜欢的美酒,这是多么难得的享受!生活简单就是幸福。春暖花开 的季节,或是清风送爽的金秋,你和家人一起,或是朋友结伴,走出户外,来一次假日的郊游,享受大自然带给你的美丽、芬芳。吸一口新鲜的空气,忘却都市的喧嚣,身心仿佛受到一番洗 涤,这是一种什么样的轻松感受!生活简单就是幸福。你参加朋友们的一次聚会,那久违的感觉带给你温馨和激动,在觥酬交错之间你享受与回味真挚的友情。 2



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