热加工教学课件:Fundamentals of Materials Forming Techno....ppt

热加工教学课件:Fundamentals of Materials Forming Techno....ppt

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广东省金属新材料制备与成形重点实验室 Please turn off your mobile phone! Thanks ! The class is interactive – you may stop me anytime by raising your hand to ask questions. After each chapter there will be a simple quiz. Homework must be due in time. You may contact me at my office by appointment. 子曰:“苟正其身矣,于从政乎何有? 不能正其身,如正人何?” 《论语》:子路篇第十三。 对全国广大教师提几点希望2007年8月31日 胡锦涛 一是希望广大教师爱岗敬业、关爱学生。要关爱每一名学生,关心每一名学生的成长进步,以真情、真心、真诚教育和影响学生,努力成为学生的良师益友,成为学生健康成长的指导者和引路人。 二是希望广大教师刻苦钻研、严谨笃学。宽知识视野,更新知识结构,不断提高教学质量和教书育人本领。要养成求真务实和严谨自律的治学态度,恪守学术道德,发扬优良学风。 三是希望广大教师勇于创新、奋发进取。 更新教育观念,改革教学内容、方法、手段,注重培育学生的主动精神,鼓励学生的创造性思维,引导学生在发掘兴趣和潜能的基础上全面发展,努力培养适应社会主义现代化建设需要、具有创新精神和实践能力的一代新人。 四是希望广大教师淡泊名利、志存高远。 把个人理想、本职工作与祖国发展、人民幸福紧密联系在一起,树立高尚的道德情操和精神追求,甘为人梯,乐于奉献,静下心来教书,潜下心来育人,努力做受学生爱戴、让人民满意的教师。 Casting – an introduction p. 239- 241 and p. 261-264 in the textbook Fundamentals of Materials Forming Part II Metal-Casting Processes and Equipment For Students Major in Mechanical Engineering and Electronic p. 239- 240 in the textbook 4 Key factors of Materials Engineering Basic casting process Pouring molten metal (熔融金属) into a mold (铸型); Allowing it to cool; Removing the metal from the mold. Important considerations in casting operation The flow of the molten metal into the mold cavity The solidification and cooling of the metal in the mold The influence of the type of mold material Main Advantages: Casting can produce complex shapes with internal cavities or hollow sections. It can produce very large parts. It can utilize workpiece materials that are difficult or uneconomical to process by other means. Casting is competitive with other processes. Intake Manifolds 进气歧管of an automobile engine Usually cast with lightweight Al alloy. To mix gases effectively. Important considerations in casting operation The flow of the molten metal into the mold cavity The solidification and cooling of the metal in the mold The influence of the type of mold material Fundam


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