高中英语_ The Three Gorges Dam教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

高中英语_ The Three Gorges Dam教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

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第 PAGE 2 页 共 NUMPAGES 4 页 Module 6 old and new The Three Gorges Dam Module6 The Three Gorges Dam 教学设计 教材分析 本节的精读材料是我国的三峡工程建设, 是近年来我国最重要的基础建设之一并将给我们带来很大的便利。通过学习, 学生能够得到更多关于这一建设的利弊的情况。练习速读和略读并掌握重要的语言点。 三维目标 1. 知识与技能 1)Train students’ reading ability. 2)Learn some useful words and expressions. 3)Learn some information about the Three Gorges Dam. 2. 过程与方法 1)Make students know more about the Three Gorges Dam through reading more. 2)Encourage them to do more for people. 3. 情感与价值 Through the study of this period students will surely have a better knowledge of the Three Gorges Dam. As the builder of a future world, it is a must for them to learn some information about some wonders of our country. Make use of Chinese Dream to encourage them to work hard to realize their dreams and serve our country. 教学重点 1. Help students to understand the passage better. 2. Learn and master some important words and phrases in this period: come true harness providefor hold back generate submerge carving live a happy life 教学难点 How to help students to understand the passage better. 教学方法 1. Fast reading to get the general idea of the text. 2. Careful reading to understand the passage better. 3. Discussion to help students understand the advantages and disadvantages about The Three Gorges Dam. 4. Consolidation to help students master what we have learned in class. 教学过程 Step 1 Lead-in Use some pictures about great man-made projects to introduce The Three Gorges Dam. Explain the word gorge Step 2 Fast reading Ask the students to read the text quickly and silently and try to match the ideas with parts. While reading , ask them to underline the difficult words and phrases in their books. (Before reading ,I will divide the class into two groups. Boys are one group, girls are the other. I will choose one leader for each group. If they can answer


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